陕西省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up 练习卷(6)C卷

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陕西省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up 练习卷(6)C卷_第1页
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陕西省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up 练习卷(6)C卷_第2页
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陕西省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up 练习卷(6)C卷_第3页
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陕西省2020年(春秋版)英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there Part B Lets check Lets wrap it up 练习卷(6)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. girl B. thin C. fat(_) 2. A.father B.Canada C.mother(_) 3. A.brother B.grandma C.big(_) 4. A. tall B. short C. dad(_) 5. A. China B. boy C. USA(_) 6. A. man B. he C. she2 . What can not help you find a place?A_.AmapBGPSCsunDbike3 . Our library is _ the post office.( )Ain front ofBin the front ofCfrom4 . These flowers. ( )AareBisCdo5 . The hospital is _ the left. ( )AatBinCon6 . 划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词。AmustBuncleCbusyDbus7 . Summer is _ June _ August. ( )Ain; inBat; ofCfrom; to二、填空题选词填空。film email angry over red8 . Where is the museum? Its _ there.9 . Dont go at the _ light.10 . We are going to see a _ tomorrow.11 . Im writing an _ to my pen pal.12 . What should I do if I feel _?三、选内容补全对话13 . 补全对话。A:【小题1】me. Im new here. I want to send a letter. Where is the【小题2】?B: Its over there.A: Thanks. And Im ill now. Where is the【小题3】?B: Its【小题4】(挨着) the school.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre【小题5】四、匹配题14 . 读句子,把相应图片的序号与之对应。A B C D E( )1.Put away your sweater.( )2. Put on your T-shirt.( )3. Take off your hat.( )4. Hang up the clothes.( )5. Wash your dress.五、抄写题请按正确格式抄写下列句子,并注意标点符号。15 . will you take your ball on Sunday?_16 . because tomorrow is Saturday._17 . I will help my mother._第 3 页 共 3 页

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