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长沙市2019版英语六年级上册期末专项训练:综合阅读C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读理解。A happy dayLast Sunday, we went to work on a farm. We wore(穿)school clothes. Mr. Li was in an old coat. He looked funny (可笑的 ). It was nine oclock when we got there. Then we began (开始 ) to help the farmers do farm work. We worked hard. We felt very happy.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1 . When did they go to work on a farm? ( )ALast Sunday.BThis Sunday.CLast Saturday.2 . Mr. Li was in. ( )Aa new shirtBan old shirtCan old coat3 . When did they get there? ( )AAt eight oclock.BAt nine oclock.CAt ten oclock.4 . They helpeddo the work. ( )Athe workersBthe farmersCthe students5 . They wore. ( )Aschool clothesBshirtCsweater阅读短文,选择正确答案。China is changing all the time. Many years ago, there werent any buses or cars, and bicycles were very expensive. People walked to school, people cooked at home. Because they went to bed early. But now, many people go to work by bicycle, bus or car. They like to go to restaurant to have dinner.There are lots of things to do in the evening: watching TV, play computer Games, and listen to CDs. We should love our country.6 . How did people go to work many years ago? ( )AOn foot.BBy bus.CBy car.7 . Where do people have dinner now? ( )AAt work.BIn the restaurant.CAt home.8 . What did people do in the evenings before? ( )APlayed computer games.BListened to Music.CWent to bed early.9 . Where did people cook before? ( )AAt home.BAt restaurant.CBoth A and B10 . What did people do in the evenings now? ( )AWatching TV.BPlay computer gamesCBoth A and B二、完形填空完形填空A fox is _ food. He is very hungry. Now he _near a wall. The wall is very _.The fox is looking up. He sees _ fine grapes _ the wall. He smiles and says, “_nice they are!I want to eat them.” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, _ the wall is too high. He _ get the grapes. The fox says, “I must go now. I dont like those grapes. _ are greem. They must be _”11 . AseeingBfinding outClooking forDfinding12 . AgetsBcomesCgoesDstands13 . AmuchBsmallCstrongDhigh14 . Aa littleBfewCmuchDa lot of15 . AinBonCatDfor16 . AWhatBHowCwhat aDHow a17 . AandBorCbutDwhere18 . AcantBcanChasntDisnt19 . AThemBItCTheirDThey20 . AsweetBsourCcheapDdelicious三、任务型阅读阅读海报,判断正(T)误(F)。Visit the peoples zooWelcome to the peoples zoo, come and see the zebras from Africa. The beautiful birds from Japan will sing songs for you, and the monkeys from England will talk to you. There are many other animals waiting for you.Tickets A grow-up(成人) : ¥100 A child: ¥50Opening time: 8:00 a.m 6:00 p.mKeep the zoo clean! Dont touch, go near or giving food to the animals. 21 . The birds from England will sing songs for you. (_)22 . A child needs¥50 to buy a ticket. (_)23 . You can see the animals at seven in the morning. (_)24 . You should keep the zoo clean. (_)25 . You can touch and give food to the animals. (_)26 . 阅读理解,正确的在括号内写(T), 错误的写(F)。We are going to have a sports day tomorrow. Lingling can run fast. She is going to run the 100 metres. Sam can ride fast, and he is going to ride a bike. Amy can jump high, and she is going to do the high jump. Daming can jump far, and he is going to do the long jump. What am I going to do? I am going to play table tennis. Good luck on sports day. Come on!【小题1】I am going to play football on sports day.(_)【小题2】Daming is going to do the long jump. (_)【小题3】Amy can jump far. (_)【小题4】Lingling is going to run the 100 metres. (_)【小题5】Sam can run fast, and he is going to ride a bike.(_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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