长春市2020年英语二年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 练习卷(1)C卷

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长春市2020年英语二年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 练习卷(1)C卷_第1页
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长春市2020年英语二年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 练习卷(1)C卷_第2页
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长春市2020年英语二年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 练习卷(1)C卷_第3页
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长春市2020年英语二年级上册Unit 1 Hello! 练习卷(1)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的一项。1 . AfourBredCyellow2 . AmorningBafternoonCgoodbye3 . AblueBbirdCorange4 . AriceBbreadCpen5 . AearBpigChand6 . Good afternoon!_AGood afternoon!BByebye!看英文选中文。7 . name ( )A名字B姓名8 . morning ( )A下午B上午9 . Be careful ( )A谢谢B小心10 . what ( )A什么B谁11 . my ( )A我的B你的12 . _ live in Room 405 of the green building. ( )AThe WhiteBWhiteCThe WhitesDWhites13 . -Is this _ pen? ( )-No, its _.Ayour; herBher; hisCher; my14 . 交际运用,从II栏中找出与I栏中相配的句子将序号填在括号内。I II( ) (1) Can you read these words?( ) (5) Where is he from?AIts a quarter to nine.BYes, we are.( ) (2) How can I go to the park?CSorry, I cant.( ) (3) Whats the time now?DHes from Japan.( ) (4) Are you from America?EBy bus.二、填空题填空题15 . My_is Tina.16 . 翻译: _17 . I have a_.18 . I have an_.三、选内容补全对话19 . 看图用所给的的单词填空。Monkey Hello Ann afternoon Uncle Monkey Ben1. Monkey: _, Im _.Boy: Hi, Im Ken.2. Girl: Good _, Im _.Monkey: Hi, Im _.四、匹配题根据所描述的内容,选择合适的英语单词,将字母序号填入括号内。ANational DayBjeansChoneyDtelephoneEclever20 . The clothes that American cowboys wear. They look cool. (_)21 . He thinks about everything very quickly. (_)22 . It tastes very sweet. It comes from bees. (_)23 . You can talk to him and hear his voice, but he isnt in front of you. (_)24 . We can have seven days off. All the Chinese people celebrate(庆祝) it. (_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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