长春市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 1 My friends and me Lesson 5练习卷C卷

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长春市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 1 My friends and me Lesson 5练习卷C卷_第1页
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长春市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 1 My friends and me Lesson 5练习卷C卷_第3页
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长春市2020版英语三年级下册Unit 1 My friends and me Lesson 5练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 根据图片,选词完成句子。cat, books, ball, picture, phonecat, books, ball, picture, phone(1)The _ is on the table.(2)The brown _ is on the bed.(3)The _ is on the wall.(4)The _ are on the desk.(5)The _ is under the chair.二、英汉混合2 . 英汉互译。1. 两只手臂_2. big bodies_3. 四条腿_4. two big wings _5. 他们的脚_6. in the US_7. 喜欢狮子_8. give me a cake_9. 一位新朋友_10. Im afraid_3 . 英汉互译。1. 一些土豆_ 2. wash the dishes _3. 问路_ 4. a football game _5. 乘坐火车_ 6. take some medicine _7. 休息_ 8. a great cook _9. 觉得冷_ 10. next to the hospital_三、改错4 . 选出错误选项并在横线上改正。【小题1】I can touch my head, to. (_)_A B C【小题2】How many sheeps can you see? I can see thirteen. (_)_A B C【小题3】Whatis the woman? She is my aunt. (_)_A BC【小题4】Is Mrs White a nurse or a cook? He is a cook. (_)_A B C【小题5】Whats can you see? I can see a ship. (_)_A B C四、书面表达5 . 写作。请你从身高、体重、年龄等方面,运用比较级写一写你和你最好的朋友的情况吧。要求条理清楚,表达流畅。_第 3 页 共 3 页

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