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长春市2019-2020年度六年级下册英语小升初专项训练第八部分:阅读理解-回答问题型阅读C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读回答问题1 . 看图回答问题。1. Where is Jims home?_2Is there a school near your home?_3Are there any trees in the park?_4.Is your home on Happy Street?_5.Is your home on Green Street?_阅读短文并回答问题His name is very interesting. His name is Yang Guang. He is a real(真正的)sunshine boy(阳光男孩). He is a blind boy from Harbin. He cant see anything when he was eight months old. But he always smiles to his life. He likes singing songs very much, and his voice(嗓子)is very nice. Many people know him from CCTV. He loves his mother very much. He writes many songs for thanking his mother. One of the songs is YOU ARE MY EYES. The song is very moving(感人).2 . Who is the boy?_.3 . What is he? _.4 . Can he see? _.5 . How do people know him? _ .6 . Who does he love very much?_.7 . 阅读短文回答问题。Today is Sunday. My father, my mother, my puppy and I are staying at home. My father is watching TV in the living room. My mother is cooking in the kitchen noisily. My puppy is sleeping in the balcony quietly. I am drawing pictures in my room. We are happy.【小题1】What day is today?_【小题2】What is father doing?_【小题3】Where is mum?_【小题4】Is the puppy noisy or quiet?_【小题5】Are they happy?_四、Read and answer.阅读短文,回答下列问题。(10%)My FamilyMy name is Tina. I am a student in Bahu Primary School. My school is near, usually go to school on foot. I have a happy family. My mother is an artist. My father is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. My brother is a police officer. He works in Jinh now. And I have a lovely baby sister. She is five years old. I love my family.8 . What does Tinas mother do?_9 . How does Tina go to school?_10 . Where does Tinas brother work?_11 . How old is Tinas baby sister?_12 . What docs Tinas father teach?_阅读短文,回答问题。One day, a tiger is looking for something to eat.Suddenly he meets a fox and catches him.The tiger says, “Im hungry.I will eat you up.” The fox says, “No, you cant.Because I am the king of the animals.” “Really? I dont think so,” says the tiger.“You dont believe me? Lets go and try,” says the fox.Then they go for a walk in the forest.All the animals run away when they see the tiger and the fox.“Oh, you are right.You are really the king of the animals.All the animals are afraid of you,” says the tiger.Then he goes away.The fox laughs,“The tiger is so stupid (愚蠢的).In fact, the animals are afraid of him, not me!”13 . Who is hungry?_14 . What does the tiger do when he meets the fox?_15 . Where do the tiger and the fox go for a walk?_16 . Are the animals afraid of the tiger?_17 . Is the fox stupid?_第 4 页 共 4 页

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