重庆市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册 Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第1课时 练习卷C卷

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重庆市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册 Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第1课时 练习卷C卷_第1页
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重庆市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册 Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第1课时 练习卷C卷_第3页
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重庆市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册 Unit 3 Bank or Beach 第1课时 练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _isshegoing?( )AWhatBWhereCWho选出各组中不同类的一项。2 . AkilometreBthousandChundred3 . AsouthBnorthCmap4 . ACanadaBMexicoCcountry5 . AlongBbigCtell6 . AvisitBseeCalso二、单词拼写看图写词。7 . a m_v_ th _ ter8 . a sw_mming p_ l9 . A: Is there a_in your new apartment?B: Yes, there_.三、英汉混合10 . 英汉互译。1.你明天将做什么?_2.Look at the living room._3.欢迎来到我们班!_4.How many lessons do you have in the morning?_5.我非常喜欢体育课。_四、连词成句11 . 连词成句。【小题1】is a park there in city the (.)【小题2】are any houses there the in village (?)【小题3】a duck is on there the river (?)【小题4】some buses there on road are the (.)【小题5】tall in city buildings are any there the (?)第 3 页 共 3 页

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