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重庆市2019-2020年度三年级下册月考英语试卷二C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What will they eat?( )ASome hamburgers.BSome bread.2 . Hes got a present for _ friend. ( )AhisBhe3 . Please hurry. Dont _school. ( )OK.Abe late forBlateChurry up4 . -_? ( )-Ill give her some flowers.AWhats wrong with you?BWhat will you do for your mother?CWhat are you doing?5 . -Do you have a hat? ( )- Yes, I_.AdoBdontCam6 . can you see? I can see yellow.AWhatBWhat colourCHow7 . - Where is my clock? ( )- Here _.Ait isBthey areCis it8 . This is _ bag. ( )ALi MingBLi Ming isCLi Mings9 . Is this a farm?_ANo, they arent.BYes, it is.10 . I can _ with my ears.Alook and seeBlisten and hearCtouch and feel二、单词拼写根据图片提示,补全单词或短语。11 . playgr_nd12 . lib_ry13 . c_puter14 . _t room15 . t_chers offi_16 . m_ic room17 . f_st floor18 . se_nd floor19 . 根据图片写出相应的单词:_20 . Look and write. h_ nd21 . 根据汉语提示,补全单词:Yang Mei is a good p_.22 . 看图写出相应的单词。三、排序题23 . 将下列对话按正确顺序排列。(_)And hes a clever boy, too. His work is good.(_)No, he isnt.(_)Is Daming naughty in class?(_)Thats good.(_)He works hard. He isnt lazy.(_)Youre welcome.(_)Im happy with that. Thank you, Ms Smart.四、汉译英24 . 这是他的手。( )AThere are two hands.BHere are his hands.25 . 我们拿到了玲玲的成绩单。( )AWeve got Linglings report.BLingling is very good at Maths.26 . 完成句子1.Who _(打破) the window yesterday?2.Jenny and Mike _ (打扫) the floor last night.3.Mother_ (打算带) Jack to Beijing in this summer vacation.4.Im going to _(照相). 5.Peter_(写) a letter to his friend Mike tomorrow.五、判断题27 . 判读下列菜单正T误F。判断图片与句子意思是 (T) 否 (F) 相符。28 . Its small and thin.(_)29 . Its short and thin.(_)30 . It has a long tail and big eyes.(_)31 . It has a short tail.(_)32 . 判断下列图文是(T)否(F)匹配:Weve got lots of food.(_)判断下列时间与活动是 (T) 否 (F) 对应。33 . Its time for English class. (_)34 . Its time to go to school. (_)35 . Its time to get up. (_)36 . Its time to go to bed. (_)根据图片判断句子是否正确,并改正,正(T)误(F)。37 . The dog is behind the desk. (_)_38 . There is a cat under the chair. (_)_39 . A cat is in the front of the house. (_)_六、句型转换40 . Kitty is lazy. (变为否定句) Kitty _ lazy.41 . They will have a music party on Sunday. (变为同义句)They _ have a music party on Sunday.42 . The pen is on the desk.(对画线部分提问)_ the pen?43 . He was seven years old then. (用they改写句子)_ seven years old then.七、改错44 . 找出下列句子中错误的一项:The boy is fly a kite. (_)A B C找出错误,把序号写在括号里,并在横线上改正。45 . Herfavoritesubject is chinese.(_)_A B C D46 . WehavemathonWenesday.(_)_A B C D47 . Whatare youdonow? (_)_A B C D48 . Arethisyourhot dog ? (_)_A B C D49 . Itstimefor havecomputerclass.(_)_A B C D50 . 找出下列句子中错误的一项:There are two eyeon your face. (_)A B C51 . 找出下列句中错误的一项并改正。I can seelotof trees there.(_)_A B C52 . 找出下列句中错误的一项并改正。Whatare forty plus fifty?(_)_A B C八、匹配题53 . 选词填空。Atries Bfeet Cany DmanyEon1.Lets draw a picture _ the computer.2.There are six legs and six_.3.Are there _ monkeys here?4.How_ pears are there in the box?5.Lingling _ hard at Science.九、连线题54 . 给下列问句选择合适的答语并连线。1. What do you want to drink? a. A hamburger.2. What do you want to eat? b. A cola.3. Do you like some chicken? c. No, it isnt.4. How much is it? d. Yes, I do.5. Is it four dollars? e. Its twenty dollars.第 9 页 共 9 页

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