郑州市2020年英语六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 3 练习卷C卷

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郑州市2020年英语六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 3 练习卷C卷_第1页
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郑州市2020年英语六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 3 练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There_ a birthday party this Sunday. ( )Awill beBis going to haveCare going to beDwill going to be2 . I m _ my room. ( )AcleanBcleansCto cleanDcleaning3 . I hope I can win _ prize this year. ( )Athe firstBfirst4 . Amy likes _ in the sea. ( )AswimingBswimsCswimming二、填空题5 . Read and classify. 读一读,照样子为单词分类。AfatBChinaCmother (mum)Dthe UK E. brotherF. grandfather (grandpa) G. thin H. Canada I. small J. the USAK. big L. father (dad) M. Australia N. short O. sister1. Country (国家名称):B _ M2. Family (家庭成员):C _3. Adjectives (形容动物的):A _ N三、排序题6 . 读句子,将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(_) The winter vacation is coming. What are you going to do?(_) And?(_) I am also going to read some books.(_) I am going to help my parents do some chores.四、英译汉7 . 翻译下列句子。【小题1】I hope I can win the prize this year._【小题2】That was a great pity._【小题3】My clock was broken._【小题4】A wonderful winter vacation was waiting for me._【小题5】The winter vacation is coming._五、汉译英翻译下列句子。8 . 我期待见到他们。_9 . 我认为他们会很开心。_10 . 厦门在中国南部。_11 . 我的闹钟坏了。_12 . 我很激动!_第 3 页 共 3 页

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