郑州市2019-2020年度英语五年级上册Module 3 单元测试卷C卷

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郑州市2019-2020年度英语五年级上册Module 3 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ you a present. ( )AhadBwatchedCbought2 . 读句子,选出正确的图片。(_)1. Im from Canada. A. B. (_)2. This is Mr Black, my English teacher. A.B. (_)3. I am a boy. A.B. (_)4. Can you read this? A.B. (_)5. She is a teacher. A. B. 3 . I go to Hainan by ship. ( )A乘火车B乘飞机C乘船4 . Im going to buy_ books .AanyBsomeClot of5 . _ is your ruler? ( ) Its blue.AWhatBWhoCWhat colour6 . _ last Sunday? ( ) We went to the park.AWhere do you doBWhere did you goCWhat did you have7 . is my ruler? ( )Its under your book.AWhereBWhatCWhen8 . Then you will _ a competition, too! ( )AwonBwiningCwin9 . It _ us one hour to get to the zoo. ( )AtakeBtookCtaking10 . 选出不同类的一项( )AsleptBateCstay二、填空题11 . That is my pen. Give_to_,please.12 . Read and write(看图选择正确的单词填空)Hello, Im Amy. Im from the USA. My father teaches _. He is a _. Every day he goes to work _ _. He likes _. He is a writer, too. My mother likes singing. She is a _. She goes to work _ _. And I like painting, but I dont want to be an _. Im going to be a _三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Lucy and Lily went to the park at the weekend. It is very beautiful. They went there at nine oclock. They saw trees and flowers there. And some bees (蜜蜂) were on the flowers. They took photos of flowers. They stayed there for two hours. Then they went home by bus. They were very happy.13 . Who went to the park?_14 . When did they arrive?_15 . What did they see?_16 . What did they do?_17 . How did they go home?_四、匹配题18 . 看图写单词1.take _2. _ Christmas3.a young _4. _ to music5. _ games6.Have a _五、连词成句19 . 连词成句。1. is, it, snowman, lovely, a (.)_2. very, it, there, cold, was (?)_3. you, did, winter, anywhere, go, in (?)_4. was, city, there, ice, big, a (.)_六、连线题20 . 英汉连线。1.next toA计算机房2.second floorB读书3.computer roomC在近旁4.excuse meD二楼5.read a bookE打扰一下第 5 页 共 5 页

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