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海口市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(九)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . He has a birthday party on _. ( )AJulyBJuly 5CMay 5th2 . Does Mike like playing table tennis? ( )Yes, he .AdoBdoesCis3 . There no computers Internet twenty years ago. ( )Awere,orBwerent,orCwere,and选出与其他三个不同类的单词。4 . AwindyBsunnyCrainyDcloud5 . AfatterBheavierCstrongerDwriter6 . AMayBJuneCMondayDJuly7 . AbeautifulBhappinessCpleasureDJoy8 . AherBhisCtheirDours选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。9 . AtheseBthereCthreeDthat10 . AnearBpearCyearDdear11 . AfoodBcookCzooDschool12 . AwhereBwhatCwhichDwhose13 . AcityBriceCcookDmedicine14 . There _ many trees on the mountains twenty years ago. ( )AwereBareCwas15 . 找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项:house ( )AsoapBsouthCcolor16 . _ is the second month of the year. ( )AJanuaryBFebruaryCMarch17 . 选择与其余两项不同的读音。( )1. A. tea B. teacher C. sweater( )2. A. hear B. pear C. ear( )3. A. my B. baby C. fly( )4. A. now B.snow C. show( )5. A. use B.uncle C.usually( )6. A. here B. there C.near18 . Dont _.AknowBworryCnot19 . Can your father run fast?( )He ran fast in the past, but now he is _ .AhighBwellCslow20 . _ it rainy? ( )AisBIsCAre选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。21 . AlovelyBelevenCsummer22 . AsixBsummerCsock23 . AfanBgiveCfifty24 . AtwelveBshoesCshop25 . AumbrellaBbutCbeautiful26 . What _ you _ for dinner? ( )Adid; haveBdo; hadCdo; has27 . I first _ Lisa ten years ago.She _ a little girl at that time. ( )Ameet;isBmeet;wasCmet;was28 . 我能选出下列句子的正确翻译。1. 你感觉累吗? ( )A. Are you feeling sad? B. Are you feeling angry?C. Are you feeling tired?2. 那是个秘密!( )A. This is a secret! B. That is a secret!C. I have a secret!3. 你在想什么? ( )A. What do you think about? B. How are you think about? C. What are you thinking about?4. 她感觉很无聊。( )A. I feel sad.B. He feels happyC. She feels very bored.5. 怎么了? ( )A. Whats the matter?B. Whats matter?C. Whats the wrong?二、阅读选择看图,读一读,选择正确的答案。This is Mrs White. She is my mother. She is a teacher. She works in a school. She loves children very much. So she likes her job, too. Look! She has a blue dress. It is very nice. And she can sing very well. Her students love her.Who is he? He is my father. His name is Eric. He is not afraid of fire. He is a fireman. He can help people. He likes his job very much. He is not tall but he is very strong. He is also (也) very brave (勇敢). I love him very much.29 . Who is my mother? -. ( )AMr White.BMrs White.CMiss White.30 . What does my mother do? - She is a. ( )AdoctorBnurseCteacher31 . What can Mrs White do? -. ( )AShe can sing.BShe can dance.CShe can draw.32 . What does my father do? - He is a. ( )AfiremanBteacherCbus driver33 . What is my fathers name? -. ( )ADan.BEric.CI dont know.三、完形填空完形填空。Today _Friday, November 9. Jenny and Li Ming are _ready for school. It is_this morning. Jenny and Li Ming _ on the winter jackets. Li Ming puts on his scarf, hat and gloves, _.34 . AareBisCbe35 . AgetBgetsCgetting36 . AhotBcoolCcold37 . AputBputsCputting38 . AtoBtwoCtoo四、情景交际39 . 你把Peter介绍给大家时说:( )AHi! This is Peter.BHi! My name is Peter.五、填空题40 . 用适当的时态填空1.I _(not finish) my homework . Can you help me? 2.My father _ (read) the novel twice. 3.I _ (buy) a book just now. 4.I _ (lost ) my watch yesterday. 5.My father _ (read) this book since yesterday.六、排序题41 . 快乐排序( )Hello, Little Panda!( )Yes. Mother, this is my friend Monkey.( )Look! This is my family.( 1 )Hello, Monkey!( )Is she your mother?( )Nice to meet you, too.( )Nice to meet you.42 . 为下列句子排序。( ) 1.Have a coke?( ) 2.Its me.( ) 3.No, thanks( ) 4.Whos it?( ) 5.Oh, its you, Eve. Come in, please.( ) 6.Apple? OK, thank you.( ) 7.An apple, please.七、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。I am Lucy. I like the monkey. Its brown. Lily likes that tiger. Its fat. Mark likes this elephant. Its big. Bob likes that bird. Its red and yellow. Mary likes that panda. Its fat.43 . The monkey is yellow. (_)44 . Lucy likes that tiger. (_)45 . The elephant is big. (_)46 . Bob likes that bird. (_)47 . That panda is fat. (_)八、选内容补全对话选择短语将对话补充完整,并将其字母编号写在相应的横线上Ahave timeBmake model carsCkeeping petsDhave a lookEspeak EnglishMay: Hi, Ken. What are you doing?Ken: Im busy with my model car.May: Do you often48 . ?Ken: Yes, I do. I like making models when I49 . . What do you usually do when you are free, May?May: Let me see.Maybe its keeping pets.Ken: My sister Sally likes50 . , too. She likes animals.May: Really? What does she keep?Ken: She has three birds. And one of them can 51 . .May: Wow! That sounds interesting.Ken: Would you like to go and52 . ?May: Sure.九、匹配题53 . 从栏中选出I栏的正确应答将其序号填在括号内。I II(_) 1. Where will Mr. Green go?AI want to be a singer.(_) 2. What did you do last Sunday?BWe mustnt run or play on the road.(_) 3. What is your dream?COK. Mum.(_) 4. Whats your aunt going to do?DMy friend is.(_) 5. What must you not do on the road?EHe will go to Hong Kong.(_) 6. Will you go swimming this Saturday?FYes, it did.(_) 7. Dont go to bed too late.GI will go to the zoo.(_) 8. Did the mouse help the lion? H. I made a fruit salad at home.(_) 9. Who is going to be the clown? I. Shes going to buy some clothes.(_) 10. What is your plan? J. Yes, I will.Read and choose. (选择合适的词或短语, 使它们成为一个完整的句子。)Apencil box.BLily.Cyour ruler.DIm Mike.Eyour name?54 . Whats_55 . Hello, _56 . My name is_57 . Open your_58 . Show me_十、书面表达59 . 写作。What are you going to do this weekend? 请结合问题的提示,写写这个周末的打算,内容包括:你周六计划做什么?你周日又计划做什么?要求:语言流畅,内容不少于6句话。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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