济南市2020版英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day 练习卷(二)C卷

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济南市2020版英语五年级下册Unit 1 My day 练习卷(二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Your book is on the ground. Please. ( )Apick upBpick up itCpick it up2 . 从II栏中找出与I栏中相配的句子将序号填在括号内。(5分) III( ) (1) What subject do you like?AWe like Maths.( ) (2) Do you like English?BNo, its Sunday.( ) (3) How many PE lessons do they have in a week?CThirty.( ) (4) Whats ninty minus sixty?DNo. I like Art.( ) (5) Is it Monday today?E.Three. 3 . -_ do you go back to school _ lunch? ( )-At 2:00.AWhen; inBHow; forCWhen; after4 . My parents _ a walk in the park after dinner. ( )Ago for alwaysBgo alwaysCalways go for5 . -does the boy feel?( )-He is tired.AWhoBHowCWhat二、填空题6 . Fill in the blanks.AupBbeCbusyDhasEpast1. Do you get_at 7 oclock every morning?2. I go to school at half_7.3. He is a_man.4. Well_home at 6.5. She_breakfast at a quarter to 6.三、任务型阅读7 . 根据下列对话判断对错。对的打T,错的打F。Amy: What day is it today? Mike: Its Saturday. Amy: What do you do on Saturdays? Mike: I often do my homework, watch TV and read books. What about you? Amy: I often watch TV and play the violin. Mike: What do you do on Sundays? Amy: I often play computer games and go shopping. And you? Mike: I often play football on Sundays. Amy: Oh, that great!【小题1】Today is Saturday. (_)【小题2】Amy and Mike often do homework on Sundays. (_)【小题3】Amy and Mike often watch TV on Saturdays. (_)【小题4】Mike often plays football and plays computer games on Sundays. (_)【小题5】Amy often plays the violin on Saturdays. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。8 . 一个有趣的国家_9 . 寻找_10 . 一座美丽的城市_11 . 许多参观者_12 . 在课前_13 . send me some photos _14 . on the Internet _15 . have fresh air _16 . read newspapers _17 . a good cook _五、句型转换18 . 句型转换1.Is this your father? (作否定回答)_2.The cap is red(改为否定句)_3.Im Mrs Smart.(对划线部分提问)_4.Point to the window .(改为否定句)_5.Im fine.(写出问句)_第 4 页 共 4 页

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