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河北省2019-2020年度六年级下册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AstrongBlongClake2 . 选出划线部分发音与众不同的一类:( )AbeginBtickCline3 . Before I _ thin. Now I _ strong. ( )Aam; wasBwas; amCwas; was4 . Do you like?Yes, I do.AswimBswimmingCswims5 . Tinas birthday is _ May 26th. ( )AonBinCat6 . _ is the pet? ( )Its fifty yuan.AHow muchBHow many7 . Your shoes are _ than mine. ( )AbigBsmallCbigger8 . We have one hundred _ .ApenBpencilsCpencil9 . There _ an apple and two bananas on the table ten minutes ago. ( )AisBareCwasDwere10 . -were you ? ( )-I was at home.AWhereBWhenCWhyDWhat11 . 给句子选择正确的译文:Is this Sams dog? ( )A这是萨姆的狗吗?B这是萨姆的包吗?12 . What _ you see? ( ) I see a butterfly.AdoBcanCis二、填空题13 . 选词填空Do dont doesnt is are(1)_you like ducks? Yes, I do.(2)This is my cat. It _cute.(3)The elephants_in the zoo.(4)My father _like snakes.(5)I _like dogs.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Yang Ling: Do you like your new home, Su Hai?Su Hai: Yes! Its very big. I like it very much, but its far from school.Yang Ling: Where do you live now?Su Hai: I live on Moon Street, near City Library.Yang Ling: How do you come to school?Su Hai: Su Yang and I come to school by bus.Mike: Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you come to school?Yang Ling: I live near school. I come to school on foot. Where do you live?Mike: I live in Sunshine Town. I come to school by metro. What about you, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: I live on Park Street. I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver.14 . Su Hais new home is far from school. (_)15 . Su Yang comes to school by bike. (_)16 . Yang Ling lives near school. (_)17 . Yang Ling comes to school by metro. (_)18 . Mike lives in Sunshine Town. (_)四、匹配题19 . 选择正确的回答1. ( ) What are those?AThere are 10.2. ( ) Have you got a teddy bear?BNo, I cant.3. ( ) Can you jump far?CThey are cars.4. ( ) Has Sara got a cough, too?DYes, she has.5. ( ) How many people are there?ENo, Im not.6. ( ) What are you going to be?FIm fine.7. ( ) Are you going to go to Hong Kong?GIm going to be a teacher.8. ( ) How are you?H. No, I havent.五、书面表达20 . 写作。上个假期你去了海南(Hainan)请根据下面所给的图片用英语写出自己的活动,不少于5句话。_第 4 页 共 4 页

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