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沈阳市2019版六年级上册月考英语试卷二C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Danny is good at _ English. ( )AsayingBto speakCspeakingDtalking2 . Bobby _his new cap _Sam. ( )Ashow; /Bshows; toCshow; for3 . Whatdidtheydecide_then?AdoBtodoCdoing4 . _ your brother? ( )No, he isnt.AIs itBHe isCIs he5 . Nice _ see you again. ( )AtoBforCin6 . -Do you like this art show? ( )-Yes. I think the _ picture is very beautiful.AoneBfirstCmy first7 . What _ you like _ on the Mondays?Ado,eatBwould,to eatCwould,eat8 . _ Ann work at a primary school? ( )AAreBDoCDoes9 . Birds can _ ( )AflyBfliesCflying10 . What are those? ( ) They are green _.Aa birdBbirdsCflower二、完形填空根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Every year many people from different countries come to America to learn English. Most of _are young people. They learn English at school _ by themselves. Why do you want _ English? Because it is very _. _ books, newspapers and magazines are published _ English. If they know English, they _ read them and know more _ the world. And why do they come to America to learn English? Because English is Americans _ language. If they are among _. they can learn good English quickly.11 . AtheseBusCthem12 . AforBorCand13 . AlearnBlearningCto learn14 . AusefulBeasyCinteresting15 . AMuchBNoCMany16 . AonBinCat17 . AmustBhave toCcan18 . AaboutBwithCon19 . AusefulBfirstCsecond20 . AEnglishmenBAmericansCJapanese三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。21 . My father is a _. He can _(drive) very well.22 . We must _(keep) the classroom clean.23 . I can also _(cross) the road with other people.24 . Yang Ling usually _(wait) on the pavement.25 . Follow the rules, and stay _(safe) on the road!26 . There _(be) so much juice in the fridge.27 . Can you _ (see) the red man? Yes, I can.28 . What must Liu Tao _(do) now? He must brush his teeth.29 . 用“/”划去括号里不合适的单词:I like (swimming, swim).30 . 按要求完成句子cough fly make build turn1. Spring is the best time _ kites.2. My dog is good at _ camps out of sticks.3. Who _ breakfast for you every morning?4. Youd better give up smoking, or youll keep _ day and night.5. Its said it _ colder in the late afternoon.31 . 根据图片,补全句子:She likes _ . 32 . 根据句意,选择适当的词或词组完成句子。【小题1】Did Anna _ (fly / flew) the kite last Saturday?Yes, she did.【小题2】In the UK, people drive on the _ (left / right) side of the road.【小题3】Jack has a good habit. He eats _ (a few / a little) meat every day.【小题4】The girl likes dancing. She dances very _ (beautiful / beautifully).【小题5】We are very _ (hungry / thirsty). We need some water.【小题6】Today is my mothers birthday. Id like _ (buying / to buy) a card for her.【小题7】When will they go to Japan? Theyll go there _ (next / last) Monday.【小题8】To have good teeth, we _ (should / shouldnt) eat too many sweets.【小题9】I want to drink some juice. But there_ (is / isnt) any in the glass.【小题10】The book is high in the bookcase. I cant _ (give / reach) it.33 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Lets go _ (swim) in the river.2. Yang Ling can _ (have) picnics this Saturday.3. Helen _ (make) a _ (snowmen) this afternoon.4. Its a _ (sun) day today. Lets go to the park.选择合适的单词,补全句子。34 . Point _(to/too)the bird.35 . Whats _(you/your)name?36 . Sit _(up/down), please.37 . Good morning, boys and _(girl/girls).38 . Stand _(up/down), Amy.用所给词的适当形式填空。39 . My brother _ (have) a new bike. He can _ (ride) a bike _ (good). He _ (like) _ (ride) bikes.40 . Mike, please _ (show) the pictures to _ (we).41 . The skirt _ (not) fit you. How about _ (buy) a new one?42 . My uncle _ (live) in Wuxi. He _ (visit) many places every year.43 . Helen, lets _ (go) to the park!44 . Why _ (be) you so sad? Because I _ (be) old.45 . Why _ (not) you go by bus? Because _ (walk) is_ (well) for us.46 . Look! The boy is _ (play) football now.47 . 填空题。1. Do you want _ a good player? (be/ to be)2. Amy can_ (run/ jump)fast.3. Lingling is good_ (in/at)football.4. Birds _(can/ cant)fly in the sky. 5. Can you_(are/ be)a good goalkeeper?No, I_ (can/ cant)48 . 按要求写出单词适当形式。1. give(过去式)_2. eat(过去式)_3. have(过去式)_4. sandwich(复数)_5. traditional(汉语意思)_四、判断题判断下列句子的描述是否正确,正确的写 “T”, 错误的写 “F”。49 . The cat has a long tail. (_)50 . The rabbit has a long tail. (_)51 . The bear has a big body. (_)52 . The bird has big eyes. (_)53 . The giraffe is tall. (_)54 . The duck is short. (_)55 . The elephant is fat. (_)56 . The monkey is fat. (_)57 . 判断句子与所给图片是(T)否(F)相符:This is a pen and that is a pencil. (_)58 . Look and write(T)or (F):He played football yesterday afternoon. (_)59 . Read and tick“T”or cross“F”: Lets ride my bike. Great!五、句型转换句型转换。60 . Tom has lunch at school. ( 改一般疑问句)_ Tom _ lunch at school?61 . Its time to have dinner now.(改同义句)Its time _ now.62 . They can see a big cake over there.(对划线部分提问)_they _ over there?63 . We usually have four lessons in the morning.(对划线部分提问)_ you have in the morning?64 . The boys play football at four in the afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_ the boys play football?65 . It is seven forty now. (对划线部分提问)_ is it now?66 . go, morning, seven, to I , in fifteen, school, the at, usually.(连词成句)_Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)67 . Tom had a big birthday party last Sunday. (改为否定句)Tom _ a big birthday party last Sunday.68 . Linda and Susan have already been to the Bund. (改为一般疑问句)_ Linda and Susan been to the Bund _?69 . Is the cinema near the zoo? Is the cinema far away from the zoo? (改为选择疑问句)_ the cinema near _ far away from the zoo?70 . My sister often goes cycling in the park in spring. (对划线部分提问)_ does your sister often _ in the park in spring?71 . Peter would like to be a pilot. (保持句意基本不变)Peter _ be a pilot.72 . the teacher, listen to, we, carefully, in class, should (连词成句)_.Read and write.(读一读, 按要求改写句子。)73 . She plays basketball on Saturdays.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _basketball on Saturdays?74 . My sister works at a university.(对画线部分提问)_your sister _?75 . He drives a taxi every day.(改为同义句)He is a taxi _.76 . reporter, is, brother, a, my(.)(连词成句)_77 . John, school, goes, by, subway, to(.)(连词成句)_78 . I was a teacher. (对画线部分提问)_按要求完成下列各题。79 . feet, are, Mikes, yours, than, bigger (.)(连词成句)_.80 . Jack played the piano yesterday.(就画线部分提问)_ Jack do yesterday?.81 . Did they go fishing last Sunday?(作否定回答)_, they_.82 . How heavy is he?(用50 kilograms 回答)_.83 . Im 1.6 metres tall.(就画线部分提问)_ are you?六、选内容补全对话84 . 用所给单词填空。You should go 1._bed before 10 0clock. Drink some milk 2._ you go to sleep. Im sure you will sleep 3._ and get better soon. From then 4._ Dan went to bed 5._ and soon he got better.七、改错85 . 选出错误的一项,并改正。Mary learntcooknoodles yesterday.(_)_A B C找出错误并改正。86 . What did he doesyesterday? (_)_A B C87 . Peter often eat hamburgers onSundays. (_)_A B C88 . We wasin Rujia Hotel last Monday. (_)_A B C89 . Its to small for my father, too. (_)_A B C90 . Tom wantedtowent to the zoo. (_)_A B C改错。91 . Theyre singinganddance.(_)_A B C92 . What aretheydo?(_)_A B C93 . He iscross the street.(_)_A B C94 . He istalkingfor his friend.(_)_A B C95 . Sam isdoingher homework.(_)_A B C96 . 下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正【小题1】Whatsthe mattertoyou? (_)_A B C D【小题2】My father ofteneatstoo manyfood.(_)_A B C D【小题3】We aretired, so we want to have rest. (_)_A B C D【小题4】If you want to stay health, you must take some exercise. (_)_A B C D【小题5】The old manmightis a doctor. (_)_A B C D97 . 请找出每个句子中错误的部分,并将正确的单词写在横线上1.Do you like apple?_2.Are your in Class 4. _3.Whats colour is it? _4.Shall we go swim?_5.Whats that for English? _八、连线题98 . 将左右两栏相匹配的两项用线连起来。(1) Do you often tidy your desk?AThank you.(2) What are you doing?BIm reading a book(3) What do you want to do now?CYes, I sometimes eat bananas.(4) I will tidy your desk.DYes, every day.(5) Do you eat bananas?EI want to read.第 12 页 共 12 页

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