拉萨市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Module 6 单元测试卷C卷

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拉萨市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Module 6 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I a good friend. ( )AhaveBhasCis2 . I can _ with my mouth.( )AtasteBsmellCtouchDeat3 . Can you _your classroom? ( )Acleans.BcleanCcleaning4 . 选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AforBhorseCworld5 . I cleaned my room.( )AB二、阅读选择阅读理解。San Francisco is a beautiful American city. It lies in the west of the United States. It has beautiful scenery. For example, Fishermans Wharf(渔人码头)and Wax Museum(蜡像馆)are beautiful places to visit. Every day, thousands of people come to visit and take photos.San Francisco is a hilly city. The lovely hills in the middle of the city make it the most wonderful place. Many people walk up and down the hills, and some of the visitors also like to drive on the paths. They can see more places then. There are also visitors who like to take cable cars(缆车). They can get better view of the city.Besides Fishermans Wharf and Wax Museum, Chinatown and Lombard Street are also two places worth seeing. Every day, many people come to visit Chinatown. Some of them are coming to taste Chinese food, some are coming for Chinese shops. They can buy many beautiful Chinese clothes in Chinatown.根据短文内容,选出正确答案。6 . San Francisco is a(n)_city. ( )AAmericanBEnglishCChineseDCanadian7 . San Francisco lies in the _ of America. ( )AsouthBwestCeastDmiddle8 . There are many _ in San Francisco. ( )AhillsBmountainsCriversDcities9 . Visitors like _ to take to get a better view of the city. ( )AcarsBtaxisCbusesDcable cars10 . People come to Chinatown to _.( )Ataste Chinese foodBbuy Chinese clothesCswimDboth A and B三、情景交际11 . 当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:( )ADo you go to Australia by plane?BHow do you go to Australia?四、填空题12 . Have you_(get)a toy car?13 . 选词填空。write in all some and send from about any but1. Have you got a book _animals?2. I can _an email to you. 3. I havent got_ stamps from my uncle in Canada. 4. You have got a letter _Australia. 5. Ive got _beautiful stamps from the UK. 6. Im studying Chinese now, _its difficult for me. 7. We are _English. 8. Ive got a letter _its from my pen friend. 9. Please _to me soon. 10. I live_ New York now.14 . 选词填空。【小题1】Can I have _ (some/ any) bread?【小题2】She can _(have/ has) an apple.【小题3】We want some _(sweet/ sweets).【小题4】_ (Open/ Turn on)the light.【小题5】Happy birthday _(to/ for) you.15 . 写出下列单词的正确形式。1. September(下个月)-_2. nine(序数词)-_3. tenth(基数词)-_4. teacher(复数形式)-_5. student(复数形式)-_6. children (单数形式)-_7. look(现在分词)-_8. flower(复数形式)-_16 . 看图,完成对话。(1、2看图选择相应的词)【小题1】shouldnt park mean sign meansA: Look at this_What does it_?B: It_we_our car here【小题2】Does does Keep not means cyclingA: _this sign mean “No_”?B: No, it_It_“_off the grass”【小题3】A: What_is it_?B: Its_A: What_is it?B: Its_of_A: Oh,my birthday is coming soonB: _?A: My_on the_of_B: _would you like_a_?A: A puppet五、改错17 . 改错:What time does your school start with finish?(_)_A B C D18 . 改错题。1In noon, we eat lunch._.2Is he have a toy dog?_.19 . 改错:Canyouaremy pen friend?(_)_A B C D选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正。20 . He often playsthe footballwith his friends. (_)_ABC21 . This is my new adress in China. (_)_ABC22 . Can you write a letter with English?(_)_ABC23 . You speak English verygood. (_)_ABC24 . I wantpen friend from the US. (_)_A BC六、连线题25 . 将下列单词与图片及其汉语意思对应匹配。1. skirt夹克2. sweater毛衣3. shorts衬衫4. socks短裙5. jacket短裤6. shirt袜子26 . 连线题1. manyAfood2. spicyBclothes3. silkCsome silk clothes4. beautifulDhills5. buyEgarden七、书面表达27 . 小练笔。假如你是Daming,你刚刚搬了新家,在写给朋友Peter的信中,请你运用句型“I have got .” 和“I havent got.” 描述你有什么,没有什么。要求:字迹工整,语句通顺,不少于40个词。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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