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山西省2019-2020年度一年级上册期中测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 根据句意选择合适的图片:Yesterday they bought ice creams in the park. ( )AB2 . 把每组单词中不同类的一个找出来,把它的字母编号写在括号里。(_)1. A. workB. eatC. week(_)2. A. whyB. thatC. what(_)3. A. Nov.B. MayC. Jan.(_)4. A. seasonB. winterC. summer(_)5. A. usuallyB. oftenC. when3 . What your father do, Jack? ( )Hes a .Adoes; teacherBdo; teacherCdoes; teach4 . What does your mother do? _ . ( )AShe is a teacher.BI dont like lemons.CI have some oranges.5 . Mr. Smith is an _. ( )AEnglishBEnglish manCEnglishmanDEnglishmen6 . How are you? _ fine.AImBMy7 . spring ( )A春天B游泳C戏剧8 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AdriverBteacherCcinema9 . Now it is summer. The next season is_. ( )AspringBautumnCwinter10 . Whos Mrs Smith? ( ) _AShes tall.BShes our head teacher.CHes a teacher.选出每组中不同类的单词。11 . AChinaBCanadaCAmerican12 . AvisitBflyCand13 . AguitarBbicycleCviolin14 . AaddressBemailsCletters15 . AteachesBclassesCchopsticks用给出的单词连成句选出正确的一项。16 . it, here, is ( )AHere it is!BIs here it!CIt here is?17 . bag, is, heavy, my ( )AMy bag is heavy.BIs my heavy bag?CMy heavy bag is.18 . your, is, in, what, bag ( )AWhat in your bag is?BWhat is in your bag?CYour bag is what in?19 . books, away, put, your ( )AAway put your books.BPut away your booksCPut away books your20 . is, and, it, blue, white ( )ABlue and white it is.BBlue and white is it.CIts blue and white.21 . one, have, 1, book ( )AI have one book.BI have book one.CHave I book one.22 . colour, it, is, what ( )AWhat colour is it?BWhat is colour it?CIt is what colour?23 . everything, in, is, your, schoolbag ( )AIs in your schoolbag everything?BIs everything in your schoolbag?CEverything in your schoolbag is.选出下列每组中不同类的一项。24 . AtoesBfingersCkite25 . AelevenBeightCball26 . AblackBbirdCblue27 . AtwentyBnineteenCbeautiful28 . AhaveBduckCdog29 . ( )AShe is singing.BShe is dancing.30 . _ yellow. ( )AIs thisBThisCIts31 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. fifth B. fourth C. three(_) 2. A. small B. tall C. bigger32 . _ on the bed? ( )A doll.AWhatsBWheresCWhos33 . I like PE. Whats your favourite _?( )AcolourBclothesCsubject34 . - _ do you come to school? By taxi. ( )AWhatBWhereCHow35 . A:Whats your mothers job?B: _ is a driver.AHer BSheCHers36 . How do you go to work? ( )_AI go to work by bike.BI go to school by bike.37 . Its cold and snowy in _. ( )AsummerBautumnCwinter38 . How many pears do you have? ( ) _ANineBIm nine.二、判断题判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。39 . The shirt is 30 yuan. Its cheap.(_)40 . Put on your sweater. Dance in the room. (_)41 . Ill take this skirt. (_)42 . I like this umbrella very much. (_)43 . 判断句子与图片是“T”否“F”相符:Lets put them on this shelf. (_)44 . 判断下列图片描述的是否正确,对的在括号中画,错的画。( ) 1. We went to the zoo to see tigers.( ) 2. He wanted to play basketball.( ) 3. He flew a kite.( ) 4. She played on the beach.( ) 5. Tim played pingpong with his friends.45 . Look and write(T)or(F): Point to the desk.(_)46 . Look and draw:Its very light.它非常重。47 . 判断题1.The ruler is under the pencil box. 2.The book is under the bag.3.The chair is under the desk.4.The sharpener (卷笔刀) is under the desk.5.The ruler is in the pencil box.6.The bag is on the desk. 7.Look at the elephant. Its so big.8.The ball is on the box.三、改错48 . 选出句子中错误的一项:Iama Sam. (_)A B C49 . 选出句子中错误的一项:Hello, morning, Ms Ma. (_)A B C50 . 改错。将正确答案写在横线上。1.How is Jane yesterday? 2.He go to school by bus last week.3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month.4.Tom wasnt watch TV last night.5.Did you saw him just now?51 . Read and choose the wrong words:What language do you say? (_)A B C52 . 句子改错1. Are this your toys?_2. He often help his mother do housework._3. He often do housework._4. Whose dog is those?_5. Put they in the box._53 . 改错。选出错误的选项并把正确答案写在横线上。( )1. Mike isin the forest last night.A B C( )2. They hada English yesterday morning .A B C( )3. Wherewere Lily yesterday?A B C( )4. He was at the swimming pool last morning.A B C( )5. Ann have a great time yesterday evening.A B C四、匹配题看图,选择符合图意的句子,把其字母编号写在相应图的括号内。AHe can stop bad people.B My cousins hobby is taking photos.BIn the West, people usually have meals with a knife and fork.CThe children can run very fast.DThe boy sometimes plays badminton at the weekend. Now hes playing badminton.EThe boy has a hamburger and a cup of coffee for breakfast.54 . (_)55 . (_)56 . (_)57 . (_)58 . (_)59 . (_)五、连线题60 . Read and match.1. I see elephants and tigers.A他们是长颈鹿。2. The little tiger is cute.B我看见有大象和老虎。3. The monkeys are strong.C那只小老虎很可爱。4. They are giraffes.D这些猴子很强壮。5. Lets go to the zoo.E让我们去动物园。第 11 页 共 11 页

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