山西省2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 练习卷C卷

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山西省2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 练习卷C卷_第1页
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山西省2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_ you wash the clothes, Susan? ( )- Yes, I can.ADoBAreCCan2 . _ you good at English?Yes, I_。A Do; doB Are; amC Are; doD Do; am3 . Is your brother a driver? ( ).ANo, he doesntBYes, she isCYes, he is4 . She often asks me_ on time. ( )Ato do my homeworkBto does my homeworkCdo his homeworkDto does her homework选出每组中不同类的单词。5 . AcoolBcoldCCokeDwarm6 . AsoundBwouldCvisitDinvite7 . AgateBguyCtravelDcentre8 . AthreeBthirdCthirtyDforty9 . AeveningBafternoonCa. m.Dmorning10 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AlongBtallCnear11 . ( )AblueBgreen12 . _do you work ? ( ) I work at a school.AWhatBWhereCHow二、填空题13 . 根据所学内容填空。1. I am _ on the computer.2. What _you going to do tomorrow?3. What _you want to tell him?4. I want to _him to my party.5. I am going to _a letter.三、填内容补全对话看图,补全对话。14 . Amy:Isthis your skirt? Sarah:No, _. Its _.15 . John:Whatsthis?Mike:Itsa _.John:Whatcolourisit?Mike:Its_.16 . Amy:CanIuseyourhat?Alice: _.17 . Mom:Isthisyoursweater?LiMing: _.四、选内容补全对话选择适当的单词补全短文,将单词写在相应的横线上。on games cook for fun is plan classmates begin togetherMy birthday is 18 . April 18th. That is next Saturday. My parents 19 . to have a birthday party for me. I would like to enjoy the party with my 20 . . The party 21 . going to be at my home. It will 22 . at about 11:00. At the party, my mother is going to 23 . some delicious food 24 . us and all of us are going to eat a birthday cake 25 . . Then, we will play some interesting 26 . . We will have 27 . at the party.五、匹配题将上句与对应的下句匹配A. Thirteen pens.B. Yes, it isC. OK.D. Thank you.E. It is nine oclock.28 . What time is it now?_29 . Here you are._30 . Is this your T-shirt?_31 . How many pens are there?_32 . Look at the clock, please._第 4 页 共 4 页

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