山东省2020年英语四年级下册试题 Module2 Unit1 sports练习卷C卷

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山东省2020年英语四年级下册试题 Module2 Unit1 sports练习卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Therea dog sitting on the chair. ( )AareBisChas2 . _some orange juice in the glass. ( )AThere areBThere isCThey are3 . A:WhatJane?( )B:Shes writing an e-mail to her penfriend.AisdoingBdiddoCwilldoDisgoing to do4 . -_ ( )-Thank you!AHere you are!BLets go to school.5 . Kitty, the flowers.( )ApickBnot pickCis picking二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello, Im Eddie. I have a cat. Its my pet. Its names Jason. Its yellow. I like to play with Jason. Ive got a tiger. Its name is Jack. Its yellow and brown. Its not my pet. Its my toy.6 . Eddies pet is a cat. ( )A正确B错误7 . The cats name is Jack. ( )A正确B错误8 . Jason is yellow and brown. ( )A正确B错误9 . Eddie has got a toy tiger.A正确B错误10 . The toy tiger is not Eddies pet. ( )A正确B错误三、填空题11 . 看图完成对话。A: _ your hands_ your head.B: All right.四、阅读回答问题阅读理解。Im Linda. Im a pupil of Experimental Primary School. Im in Class 2, Grade 4. There are fifty pupils in our class. Twenty-six are boys and twenty-four are girls. Jackson is our English teacher and Miss Lin is our Chinese teacher. Theyre reading books in their office now. Mr Tong is our Maths(数学)teacher. He is playing the recorder in the music room. Theyre very kind(和蔼的). We love them.12 . How many boys are there in Lindas class?_ are _13 . Who is her Maths teacher?_is her Maths teacher.14 . Is Linda in Grade 2?_, she _15 . What can Mr Tong do? He can _ the _16 . Where are Miss Lin and Jackson?_ are _ their _第 3 页 共 3 页

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