太原市2019版英语四年级下册Module 3 Things around us 单元测试卷C卷

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太原市2019版英语四年级下册Module 3 Things around us 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Wherethe Wangs?( ) In the restaurant.AisBseeCare2 . I _ Chinese. Because Im _ China. ( )Aread: fromBspeak; fromCsay; in3 . Look at the blackboard.( )A看!一只鸟!B看黑板。4 . There _ dragon boat races in some places. ( )AbeBisCare5 . 找出不同类的一项。【小题1】AtigerBlionCapple【小题2】AbananaBrabbitCelephant【小题3】ApencilBdogCcat【小题4】ApandaBbookCmonkey6 . _does he do? ( )A dentist.AWhoBWhatCWhere7 . Those boys are playing _ football. ( )AwithBaC/8 . There _ a bottle of milk and hot dogs on the table. ( )AareBhasCis9 . Sandy and Sue are doing _ homework. ( )AhisBherCtheir二、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成句子。Look at the grapes. The grapes are round.They are purple. A fox is looking at the grapes. He likes grapes very much. He wants to get the grapes very much. But they are very high. He cant get it. So he is very angry. Now he is looking at the bird. The bird is eating the grapes. These grapes are very sour. You cant eat it. The fox says to the bird. No, they are very sweet. They are my grapes. I like these grapes. the bird answers. The fox10 . 将句子合并成一句话。_11 . 句子用isnt改写,句子意思不变。_12 . 句子改成单数。_阅读下面的对话,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)和对话相符合。A: Hi, Jack. This is Jim. Im in New York.B: In New York? What are you doing there?A: Im on vacation (度假).B: Whats the weather like in New York?A: Its cold and rainy.B: Are you having a good time?A: No, Im having a terrible time. The weather is terrible here.B: Im sorry to hear that.13 . Jack is in New York now.(_)14 . Jim is on vacation in New York.(_)15 . Its hot and sunny in New York. (_)16 . Jim is happy in New York.(_)17 . The weather in New York is not very good.(_)三、句型转换句型转换。18 . She usually plays ball games on Sunday afternoon. (改为一般疑问句)_ she usually _ ball games on Sunday afternoon?19 . These are Peters books. (对划线部分提问)_ books _ these?20 . They often wash their cloths at weekend. (改成单数句)She often _ cloths at weekend.21 . Mary is eating some toast in the post office.(改为一般疑问句)Is Mary _ toast in the post office?22 . Three girls and two boys are under the big tree. (对划线部分提问)_ are three girls and two boys?四、填内容补全对话看图完成下列对话。23 . What _is it?_ autumn.What colour _ the leaves?They are _.Look, some leaves are _ down now.24 . _ is he?Hes _Tony.What can he _?He can _.What _ he do?Hes a _.第 5 页 共 5 页

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