Module 6《The Tang Poems》同步练习1(外研版选修8)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 6The Tang Poems.单项填空1These problems may lead to more serious ones if_unsolved.AmakingBremainedCkeeping Dleft2Our holidays were ruined by the weather;_have stayed at home!Ait may be as wellBit was just as well weCwe might just as wellDwe might do as well as we3Class 5 are discussing the problem right now.It will_have been solved by the end of next month.Atypically BhopefullyCcasually Dfortunately4You can either have the double room or the single room,_you choose.Awherever BwhateverCwhichever Dwhomever5Her father _ of her going to the west and working as a teacher in a poor mountain village.Amotivated BsupportedCapproved Dshared6The manager of the supermarket tried every possible means to_ the needs of the customers.Ameet with Bcontent withCcater for Dsatisfy with7Since these goods dont _ our order,we wont _ them.Acorrespond with;accept Bcorrespond with;receiveCcorrespond;accept Dcorrespond;receive8He can speak four languages,_,English,French,Japanese and Chinese.Asuch as Bfor exampleCnamely Dthat are9The worker _ me not to inspect the tool machine without first turning off power.Aaccused BadvancedCcautioned Dcounted10As the radio_for help for the earthquake victims,over a million pounds has been raised.Aappeals BappliesCbegs Dpleads11In order to_his point,he showed them the latest sales figures.Aprove Bturn outCtest Dsuggest12How do you_we go to Beijing for our holidays?I think wed better fly there.Its much more comfortable.Ainsist BwantCsuppose Dsuggest13Mr Smith and his wife_sorrow and happiness and live happily.Ashare Bshare inCshare with Dshare out14Its already seven oclock.Mary_be at home by now.Oh,I forgot to tell you she was going to a party and wouldnt be home until 10.Amust BshouldCmight Dcould15Where_Mary have put the library books?She_them away.They must be somewhere.Acould;cant throwBcan;cant throwCcould;must have thrownDcan;cant have thrown.句子翻译16这孩子迷上了计算机游戏。(be addicted to)_17你对事情的陈述与她说的不相符。(correspond with)_18那些报纸迎合最低级的趣味。(cater)_19我不喜欢人们老是把我当孩子看待。(think of)_20By writing down your feelings,you can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored._.完形填空I have recently moved across the country to the West Coast.I slatted feeling a little_21_and missing my friends and family.lm an extrovert (外向型人) and I love to_22_thats why I enjoy going to school so much because it gives me the_23_to meet new and different people.I love talking with and_24_people from different walks of life,_25_religions,and age groups.The elderly and_26_are the most interesting to me.The elderly can tell you all about it_27_children look at everything with_28_full of wonder.Recently,while riding the bus I struck up a(n)_29_with an elderly woman who had been born and_30_in the Pacific North West.She had so many stories about the area and how it had once been.I_31_had a wonderful time talking to her.A few days later,I got_32_the bus and there she was again.She smiled when she saw me and patted the_33_next to her.I sat with her and we picked up the conversation where we had_34_.Over the next few days whenever I got on the bus she was_35_there and we would talk.I have returned to work and have been_36_an earlier bus and havent seen much of_37_“new old friend”Then I ran into her at the transit (运输)_38_and she cheered up.This really_39_my heart.Finally my “new old friend” asked me if she may have my number so that we could_40_when she doesnt have the pleasure to see me on the bus.21.A.lonely BfriendlyCfresh BtalkCtravel Dwalk23A.discovery BexplanationCorganization Dopportunity24A.knowing of Blistening toClearning about Dhearing from25A.mysterious BfamiliarCsimilar Ddifferent26A.children BmenCwomen Dadults27A.when BafterCwhile Dbefore28A.actions BopinionsCeyes Dhearts29A.agreement BdeterminationCconclusion Dconversation30A.risen BliftedCraised Ddepended31A.freely BpatientlyCeagerly Dtruly32A.on BinCoff BspaceCbus Dseat34A.left out Bleft offCleft on Dleft behind35A.seldom BneverCalways Dyet36A.getting BmakingCputting BhisCher Dour38A.airport BstationCcinema Dlibrary39A.moved BdroveCtouched Dhurt40A.shout BcheerCcatch Dchat.阅读理解Someone asked me this week if I thought we really can have “it all”My immediate answer was “of course”,but after thinking it over,I concluded that it depends on a lot of things.In my opinion,the answer of whether or not you can have “it all” has to vary from person to person because we are all so different,and everyone has a differing definition (定义) of “it all”In fact,I believe that even the same individuals definition of “it all”varies over his life.Most babies believe they have“it all”when they are in the arms of their mommy enjoying a good meal.Thats all it takes!But,as those babies mature,their definitions become more complex,and they find “it all” becomes increasingly a private matter.I have learned a lot of important life lessons during my search for “it all”It began in Junior High School,when having“it all”meant having my own room,getting HBO,and being on the “A” volley ball team at school.And,yes,I achieved those goals and had “it all”At least for a little while.Because the first lesson I learned about having “it all” was that as soon as you get “it all”,you want more!In High School,I thought I only needed one thing to have “it all”I wanted so badly to be a member of the Madrigal Singers,a famous choir sponsored by our school.I finally got up the nerve to audition (试音),despite the fact that no one had ever told me I had a special singing talent or that my voice was unique.At least,until my audition,when the director of the choir had no problem told me how LITTLE talent I had!When I didnt make the choir,I learned that if my definition of having“it all” means having something that isnt a godgiven gift,I will always be defeated.If,however,I choose to pursue goals that fit with the talents I have,the chance to have“it all”is unlimited.41What is mainly discussed in the passage?AHow we can have“it all”BEveryone has a differing definition of “it all”CThe authors own experience in having “it all”DWhether we can have“it all”depends on a lot of things.42What can we conclude from the second paragraph?APeople just cant get satisfaction from having “it all”BPeople can have“it all”only when all the goals are met.CIt is hard to get a permanent sense of having “it all”DIt is easy for the young to get a feeling of having “it all”43By his experience of audition for the choir,the author intends to tell us_.Aone shouldnt be discouraged if one fails in having “it all”Bhaving “it all” cant go beyond ones own talentsCones chance of having “it all” is unlimitedDhaving “it all” is just a beautiful fantasy44The author believes that_.Athe same person always has the same definition of having “it all”Bdifferent people have different definitions of having “it all”Cnot all people can have “it all”Dhaving “it all” takes great efforts45We can infer from the passage that_.Athe author has had “it all” in his lifeBthe author doesnt believe that people can have “it all”Cthe author has a better idea of having “it all” than beforeDhaving “it all” doesnt have anything to do with ones age课时作业答案.单项填空1Dif left unsolvedif they are left unsolved。2C考查may/might as well的运用。句意为:我们的假期被天气给毁了;我们倒不如原本就呆在家里。may/might as well 倒不如;不妨,最好,正合题意。3B4.C5Capprove of 赞成,同意,符合语境。motivate 使有动机;support 支持,作动词不与of连用;share 分享。6C“满足需要”常用meet/satisfy/cater for the needs来表示,选项B content with 一般用于be content with.这一结构,和选项D的用法一致,而meet with是偶然遇见,所以四个选项中只有C项正确。7A句意为:由于这些货物和我们的订单不一致,我将不接收他们。correspond with 与相符,accept表示主观上“接受”,receive表示客观上“收到”。8Cnamelythat is(to say),全部列举出,意思是“即”。A、B两项仅列举部分,D项结构错误。9Ccaution sb.not to do sth.告诫某人别做某事。accuse 指责,和of搭配,advance 前进,count 指望,数。10A考查动词词义辨析。句意为:由于广播呼吁援助地震受害者,已经募捐到了一百多万英镑。appeal 呼吁;恳求;apply 申请,运用;beg 乞讨;plead 乞求,恳求。结合句意,只有A符合题意。11A考查动词词义辨析。句意为:为了证明他的观点,他给他们看了最新的销售数额。prove 证明,证实;turn out 结果是;test 检验,验证;suggest 建议。12D考查动词词义辨析。句意为:你建议我们该怎样去北京度假?我认为最好坐飞机去,那样会更舒服些。由答语可知,说话者在征询对方意见或建议,故选suggest 建议。其余insist 坚持;want 想,需要;suppose 猜想,认为,均不合语境。13B考查share组成的固定短语的用法。句意为:史密斯和他妻子患难与共生活得很幸福。英语中常用share in sorrow and happiness来表达“同甘共苦,患难与共”,而不用share,况且share后常加一些可数名词。14B考查情态动词表推测的用法。上句句意为:现在已经7点了,按正常情况玛丽应该在家。句中already暗示了答案应具备“理应,按理应该”之意,而四个选项中只有should有此意思。15D考查“情态动词have done”结构。句意为:玛丽有可能把那些图书放到哪儿了?她不可能把它们扔了。它们可能在某个地方。can have done表示对过去某事发生的可能性的质疑,常用于否定句和疑问句中;cant have done 过去不可能做了某事。They must be somewhere.也提示出了答案选D。.句子翻译16The boy is addicted to computer games.17Your account of events doesnt correspond with hers.18Those newspapers cater for the lowest tastes.19I hate it that people always think of me as a child.20通过写出你的感受,你会更好地了解自己,并且如果你感到自己被忽视,你可以通过写诗来表露自己的心声。.完形填空【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是“我”在远离家园的异乡,凭借自己外向的性格,结识了不少新朋友。其中就有一位,从坐车时的相互问候、寒暄,到最后的思念,深深地触动着“我”的心灵。21A由下文的missing my friends and family可知, “我”感到有些“孤独”(lonely)。22B根据下文的I love talking with.等暗示,选talk。23D“我”爱上学是因为“机会”(opportunity)认识新的不同的人。24Clearn about获得有关的信息,符合语境。25D由上文的different walks of life可知,此处应为different religions。26A根据下句信息分析,“我”喜爱与老人和小孩交流,并说明了原因。27C用while强调前后对照。28C根据上文children look at everything.可知应用eyes。29D下文多处给出了conversation暗示。30C根据上下文可知,这位老妇人是在the Pacific North West土生土长的。故用raise表示“抚养”。31D根据下文可判断,“我”与她交谈“真正地”(truly)感到开心。32Aget on上车。33D由下文的I sat with her.可知,是叫“我”坐她旁边的“座位”(seat)。34B坐下后,又开始我们上次“终止”(leave off)的话题。35C由上文的I got on the bus和下文的and we would talk可知,她“总是”(always)在那儿。36Dtake an earlier bus坐早班车。37A由上下文分析,这是“我的”(my) new old friend。38B由语篇和上文的at the transit.分析,用station。39C因为她的高兴,真的“触动”(touch)了“我”的心灵。40D要“我”的电话号码,显然是想与“我”“聊天”(chat)。.阅读理解41D主旨大意题。第一段中“I concluded that it depends on a lot of things”是对全文的概括,下文的叙述均围绕这个结论展开。42C推理判断题。“.as soon as you getit all,you want more!”是对全段的总结。反言之,一个人是很难永久地有“拥有一切”的感觉的。43D作者意图推断题。作者在讲述了自己试唱失败的经历后,告诉我们:只有不超出自己的天赋,“拥有一切”的机会才会永无止境。44B细节理解题。由第一段的“.and everyone has a differing definition (定义) of it all”可知。45C推断题。由最后一段中作者对自身经历的叙述以及之后的感悟可知。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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