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吉林省2020年六年级下册期中测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Heres a present _ you. ( )AinBonCfor2 . Im _ Class Four, Grade Three. ( )AtoBonCin3 . What colour is the toy car? ( )Its_ .Aon the bookByellow4 . Excuse me. Where is the hospital? ( )Its next _the cinema.AtoBatCon5 . I dont have _ nice clothes _ shoes. ( )Asome; andBany; andCany; or6 . -What _you, Mike? ( )-Id like a pie.AaboutBonCin7 . Read and find the odd one.( ) 1. A. afternoon B. too C. door D. look( ) 2. A. ruler B. blue C. rude D. four8 . I can _ in winter. ( )Aplant treesBpick applesCmake a snowman9 . _ a nice day! ( )AWhoBHowCWhat10 . _ he draw any beautiful pictures? ( )No, he cant.ADoesBCanCIs选出每组单词中不同类的一项。11 . AfatherBfriendCuncle12 . ApostmanBfishermanCpost office13 . AcountryBcityCuniversity14 . AstayBuseCif15 . AboatBpilotCbike二、阅读选择16 . 根据短文选择正确答案。The Lions DinnerLion: Good afternoon, Mrs Rabbit. Let me eat you.Rabbit: Dont eat me, Mr Lion. Im old. That mouse is younger than me.Lion: Miss Mouse, Miss Mouse, let me eat you.Mouse: Oh, no. Many birds are standing over there.Lion: Birds, I will eat you. You are my dinner.Birds: You are bad. We can fly, can you?Lion: No, I cant. But where is my dinner?1. The lion is _. ( )A. fullB. hungryC. scared(受惊吓的)D. happy2. The lion doesnt eat the rabbit, because there is a _ over there. ( )A. deer B. bird C. goat D. mouse3. Can the birds fly ?_ ( )A. No, they can. B. Yes, they can. C. No, they cant. D. Yes, they cant.4. The lion cant fly. He _ at last. ( )A. eat dinner B. eat the rabbit C. doesnt have dinner D. eat the mouse5.The lion doesnt eat the mouse, because there are _ over there. ( )A. birds B. rabbits C. goats D. deers三、排序题17 . 将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。AGao Shan , please open the book .BYes , Mr Green .CGood morning , class .DStand up .EThank you , Mr Green .FSit down , please .GGood morning , Mr Green ._四、看图题根据图片填空。18 . You must _. 19 . Whats the date today? Its _.20 . I will _ for her. 21 . _ interesting book! 22 . I will _ her a big _. 第 4 页 共 4 页

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