Module 5《Ethnic Culture》学案1(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 5 Ethnic Culture一 课时安排:Period One: Introduction + Vocabulary and ReadingPeriod Two: Speaking and Function+ Grammar(1)+ Cultural CornerPeriod Three: Reading and Listening+ Writing+ Everyday English+ Grammar(2)Period Four: Reading and Vocabulary+ Reading Practice二 知识感悟Introduction1 minority n C 少数民族;U 少数人Eg: The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorites besides the Hans.majority n U 大多数(常与of 连用)minority/ majority 作主语时,谓语用单数时强调个体成员;谓语用复数时,强调整体eg: The nation wants peace; only a minority want(s) the war to continue.2 diverse adj. 完全不同的,多种多样的Eg: His character is diverse from hers.3 native adj. 出生地的;土生土长的The tiger is native to India.native n. C 本地人;当地产的物品eg: Are you a native here, or just a visitor?Reading and Vocabulary1 many small street that are easy to get lost inget lost 迷路 It is easy to get lost in a big city.get done 表状态 get hurt 受伤 get married 结婚 get killed 结婚2 Im still astonished by now varied the landscape is.varied adj. 各种各样的. Holiday jobs are many and varied.3 For example, it is the women who run Naxi society,.run v.控制;管理;经营;开动(机器)Dont try and run my life!He has no idea of how to run a business.They run a restaurant in Beijing.We had the new computer system up and running for an hour.4 Naxi women inherited all property.inherit v. 继承;遗传She inherited all her mothers beauty.inheritance n. C,U 遗传,遗产property n. U 财产,资产 Do you know who the old man left all his property to?5 They have the custom of playing cards on card tables in the middle of the street.custom n. C,U 风俗,习惯break a custom 破坏习俗 follow/ keep up a custom 遵守习俗6 The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still in use 在使用out of use 不再使用 of great use 很有用的 make use of 利用 put. to use 加以使用 Its no use doing. 做无益Reading and Vocabulary1 The Bai ethnic group has a population of around two million.has a population of 有.人口population n.U 人口 表示整体人口时谓语动词用单数;表示部分人口时,谓语动词用复数The population of China is very large.70% of the population of China are peasants.Whats the population of .?a large/ small population 人口众多/ 稀少2 Know as good singers and dancers, the Bai have an opera, which combines both music and dance.combine .with.把与.结合Theory should be combined with practice.combine against 联合起来反对The two group combined against the government.Reading Practice1 But it was stuck firm.firm adj. 牢固的;坚定的eg: I have a firm belief in his firm as a rock 坚如磐石be on firm ground 脚踏实地2 In the distance was an os working in a the distance 在远处 at a distance 不太远,在稍远处3 George and I look at each other, then set off after her.Set off 出发;引起;引爆The decision set off a heated debate at once.The children set the fireworks off.set off/ out for动身/ 出发到.4 , and fastened with rope made with some kind of loose plant fibre.fasten v. 系牢;是固定He fastened two sheets of paper with a pin.fasten on/ upon 把(目光,注意力,思想) 集中于fasten .to 把.固定(粘,系).上5 My eyes had to adjust to the darkness inside.adjust v. 适应,使适应;调整adjust (oneself) to sth. (使自己)适应/ 适合某事Eg: He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.6 The tent was furnished with a few mats on the floor.furnish v. 为(房屋/房间)配备家具The room was furnished barely.furnished adj. 配有家具的 furniture n. 家具Culture Corner1 It is generally agreed that Native Americans came across from Asia, .It is generally agreed that.=People generally agree that.人们通常认为.2 For example, in the west people lived in villages and developed an agricultural economy, whereas in the east, .whereas conj. 然而;鉴于eg: He was poor, whereas his brother was very rich. whereas 相当于while, 通常连接内容和结构对称的句子,表示对比,对立A multiracial country, China is home to 56 ethnic peoples: Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi, Korean, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazakh, Dai, Li, Lisu, VA, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Jingpo, Khalkhas, Tu, Daur, Mulao, Qiang, Bulang, Sala, MAonan, Gelao, Sibo, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Uzbek, Russian, Owenk, Deang, Paoan, Yugur, Jing, Tatar, Dulong, Olunchun, Hezhen, Moinba, Luoba and Jino. The Hans account for 92 percent of the total population, while the other 55 ethnic peoples are known as minorities for their small populations. All the ethnic groups are equal regardless of population size. The state protects the lawful rights and interests of ethnic minorities, maintains and promotes equality, unity and mutual help between them. Ethnic authonomy has been instituted in regions, prefectures, counties and townships where minority peoples live in compact communities. 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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