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南宁市2020年英语六年级上册期末专项训练:情景交际C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Hi,LiYan.This Kate.AareBis2 . -_isthisplant?( )-Itstenyuan.AHowmanyBHowmuchCHow3 . _ books are these?Lisas.AWhereBWhoseCWhos4 . What _ you like for breakfast? ( )AwouldBcanCare5 . Arron _ talking in English at all. (不害怕) ( )AlikesBis afraid ofCisnt afraid of6 . I go to school _ bus. ( )AonBbyCin7 . Where _your cousin want to go? ( )AdoBdoesCis8 . _ is it? ( )Its fifteen dollars.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old9 . -Is she looking for any juice? ( )-_.She is looking for some bread.AYes, she is.BTry it on.CNo, she isnt.10 . -_is the ball? ( )-Its on the desk.AHowBWhereCWhat二、情景交际11 . 当你想告诉大家你们的新老师又高又瘦时:AOur new teacher is tall and thin.BOur teacher is tall and thin.COur new teacher is tall and strong.12 . 妈妈喜欢吃苹果,你要告诉妈妈你也喜欢吃苹果,你可以说:_ ( )AI like apples too.BBut I like apples too.13 . 夏天我要去美国。( )AI.m going to go to America in the summer.BIm going to go to America on the summer.14 . 让我们一起擦玻璃吧!( )ALet me clean the windows.BLets clean the windows.15 . 你找不到袜子,怎样问妈妈?( )AWhere are my socks, Mum?BWhere are your socks, Mum?三、填空题16 . 完成下列句子。1. -_ are you from?-I m from Canada.2. Can you _(跳舞)?3. -Can you sing?-No, _.4. _(你会说英语吗?)四、判断题看图,判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)。17 . May Day is on May lst.(_)18 . There are some special days in May.(_)19 . I will make a card for my mum.(_)20 . My birthday is on August 20th.(_)21 . Mid-Autumn Day is in September this year.(_)五、选内容补全对话选用方框内的句子补全对话。A. Here you are.B. Are you thirsty?C. Id like some bread.D. Im hungry.A: Mum, 22 . B: What would you like to eat, Sarah?A: 23 . B: 24 . A: Yes. Id like some milk, too.B: 25 . A: Thank you, Mum.26 . 补全对话AIm going to study Chinese. BWe can write lots of emails. CIll miss you, too.DWhat are you going to study?EYes, I am.A: Hello, Daming! Are you going to go to middle school this September?B: 1._A: 2._B: Im going to study Physics, Chemistry, History. What about you?A: 3._B: How am I going to practice my English now?A: Dont worry,4._B: Ill miss you.A: 5._27 . 补全对话。AWe cant walk along all of it.BHow old is it?CIts over twenty thousand kilometres long.DI want to go there. EIts near my home.Simon: Tell me about the Great Wall. _Daming: Its long and old. When you visit me in China, well go there. _Simon: Can we walk along all of the Great Wall, Daming?Daming: No. _Simon: Why? How long is it?Daming: _Simon: Its too long! _Daming: Its more than two thousand years old.六、匹配题28 . 问答句配对:请将答句前的序号写在题前的括号内。(_)1. Can you play the pipa? .(_)2. What do you have on Mondays?(_)3. Whats your favourite food?(_)4. What can you do?(_)5. What would you like to drink?AId like some tea.BI can speak English.CHamburgers.DWe have Chinese, music and PE.E. Yes, I can.第 6 页 共 6 页

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