南京市2019年英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷

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南京市2019年英语五年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where are the fruits, please? ( ) .AIts on ShelfBTheyre on ShelfCTheyre on the shelf2 . 找出划线部分发音特殊的选项,序号填入题前括号内。(1)A.jump B. lunch C. blue(2)A. name B. cat C. make(3)A. hole B. check C. drive(4)A. high B. six C. sit(5)A. clock B. dog C. piano3 . Read and find.(读一读,找出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。)(_)1me Ahe BriceClet(_)2red Ashe Bbe Cbed(_)3rice Afish Blike Cbig(_)4we Aget Bshe Cpencil(_)5use Aunit Bus Cwould4 . This is for you._AOK.BThanks!CSorry.选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。5 . AdeadBmeanCheavyDsweater6 . AChineseBsignCkiteDbin7 . AsunnyBmuseumCrubbishDcut8 . AdearByearCwearDnear9 . ApacketBwasteCplanDplastic10 . 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不相同的一项。( )AflyBskyCmany11 . 选出所给单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(_) 1. A birthday B. mother C. thank(_) 2. A. please B. play C. clever(_) 3. A. thin B. strict C. like(_) 4. A. brown B. window C. how(_) 5. A. lunch B. China C. shirts12 . Is there a library near here? ( )_AYes, there is.BYes, it is.CIts next to the museum.13 . I dont like the film because it is _. ( )AinterestingBboringCfunDexciting14 . I have two storybooks, but Helen _ four. ( )AhasBhaveChad二、填空题15 . 选择所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mr. Green can _ ( get/ gets ) to the library on foot.2. Lets _ ( taking/ take) the taxi to the zoo.3. We want _ ( have/ to have)a picnic.4. My uncle always travels to many _ (cities/ citys) by car.5. He should _ (drink/ drinks) some warm water and _( have/ has) a rest.6. These mushrooms are bad _( to/ for) us.7. Turn left at the _ (three/ third) traffic lights.8. Lily likes _ (sing/ singing). She _ (sing/ sings) there every morning.三、任务型阅读16 . 根据对话连线。Amy: I would like blue T-shirts.Sam: I would like green jackets.John: I would like black caps.Zhang Peng: I would like purple skirts.Sarah: I would like white dresses. 1. Amy 2. Sam 3. John 4. Zhang Peng 5. SarahAblackBwhiteCgreenDblueEpurplea.b.c. d.e. 四、判断题17 . 判断句子与图片是否相符:Im riding my bike. (_)判断下列图文是否一致,一致的写(T),不一致的写(F)18 . -Is Sam feeling sad? - Yes, he is. (_)19 . I won a chess game. (_)20 . I feel hungry. I want to eat something. (_)21 . Look, read and write “T” or cross “F”: That is his bag. (_)22 . 判断句子与图片是“T”否“F”相符:Here is a kite about dragon. (_)23 . Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合所给的情景,用T或F表示):(_)1看见了太阳,感觉热,你说:The sun is hot.(_)2想知道月亮的颜色,你问:What colour is the room? (_)3告诉朋友,你会画星星,你说:I can draw the stars.(_)4想知道天上有多少个太阳,你问:How many suns?(_)5让朋友看看黄鸡蛋,你说:Look at the yellow chicks.五、填内容补全对话Read and write(根据短文内容填空,每线一词,首字母已给)When you are reading something in E24 . , you may often come across a new w25 . . Whats the best way to know it?You may look it u26 . in the English-Chinese dictionary(词典). It will tell you a lot a27 . the word: the pronunciation(发音), the part of speech(词性), the Chinese meaning and also how to u28 . this word. But how can you k29 . where the word is in thousands of English words? How to f30 . it in a dictionary both quickly and correctly?You may s31 . the words beginning with the letter, A, then B, C, D If there are two words beginning with the s32 . letter, you may look at the second letter. Then the third, and the fourth. Do you understand h33 . to look up a word in a dictionary?六、选内容补全对话选择正确的句子,使它成为一段完整的对话。A. Its on May 8th.B. My mothers birthday is in May, too.C. When is her birthday?D. Because my birthday is in May.Amy: May is a special month.Kitty: Why?Amy: 34 . Kitty: When is your birthday?Amy: 35 . and my grandmothers birthday is on May 5th.Kitty: Thats fine.Amy: 36 . Kitty: 37 . Amy: Its on May 18th.七、仿写对话38 . 仿例子,写句子,理解并运用句型完成情景描述。例:Where can I find an English book. You can find it on ShelfA1. Where can I find my cat?You can find it _.2. Where can I get information about art?_第 6 页 共 6 页


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