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黑龙江省2019年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The mice_bad.They _people. ( )Ais; hurt.Bare; hurtCis; hurtsRead and choose我会选。2 . point ( )A指B向3 . door ( )A窗户B门4 . Stand up! ( )A坐下!B起立!5 . blackboard ( )A黑板B板子6 . chair ( )A桌子B椅子7 . Thank you. .AYes,please.BYoure welcome.8 . 你遇见一位老朋友,向他问好,应说:( )AHowoldareyou?BNicetomeetyou,too.CHowareyou?9 . _ your name?My name is Tom.AWhatBWhatsCHows找出不同类的单词来。10 . AspringBsummerCOctober11 . AhottestBwarmCcool12 . AtripBcampCgo13 . AheavyBbeginCclose14 . AseasonByearCholiday15 . _ is Mothers Day? ( ) Its on the_ Sunday in May.Awhen; secondBWhen; secondCWhen; two读一读,选出与画线部分同类的一项。16 . He is old. ( )AboyBshortCten17 . She is my friend. ( )AweBmyCher18 . My brother is a student. ( )ApearBunderCmother19 . Whos that man? ( )AsheBwomanCblue20 . I see thirteen. ( )AsmallBpupilCtwenty21 . He is a boy. ( )AgirlBinChappy22 . I like apples. ( )AbananasBtoyCpen23 . Whos that_?( )AwomanBman选出不同类的单词24 . AtigerBpandaChorseDanimal25 . AbasketballBballCfootballDvolleyball26 . AsisterBworkerCfarmerDteacher27 . ApeachesBbananasCcarsDpineapples28 . AappleBorangesCgrapesDwatermelons29 . Whats your _? ( )AbirdBname30 . 读一读,选择与划线部分相同类别的选项。(_) 1. The gloves are nice.A. rainyB. socksC. snowy(_) 2. The green beans are so long.A. carrots B. cheap C. pretty(_) 3. I like that dress. A. skirtB. yours C. mine(_) 4. Lets go to school.A. teachers officeB. music roomC. get up(_) 5. The art room is on the first floor.A. clothesB. secondC. weather31 . Glad to meet you.( )AThank you.BGood morning.CGlad to meet you, too.32 . This_, please.( )Athe wayBwayCaway33 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AhairBthinChead34 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1、A、fiveB、timeC、four(_)2、A、lunchB、dinnerC、home(_)3、A、PEB、EnglishC、now(_)4、A、breakfastB、eatC、drink(_)5、A、get upB、go to schoolC、next to35 . can I get there? ( )AWhatBwhoCHow36 . _ ( )Its a lion.AWhats this?BHow are you?CWhat color is it?37 . -Whats he like?-_thin and short.( )AShesBHesChis38 . ( )AThe river is long.BThe river is wide.39 . I have _ eraser and some _.( )Aan; toyBa; toysCan; toys40 . 选择不属于同一类的单词,把所选择答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。例如:(B)AblueBpenCred(_)1AyellowBfootCblue(_)2AbirdBtigerCpencil(_)3AnineBfishCsix(_)4AnoseBlegCcake(_)5AarmBbreadCmilk41 . Whats this ? Its .Aa elephantBan elephant42 . 选一选,情景对话:请帮小伙伴选出最合适的问句或答语。( )1. 在早上,Mike遇见了同学Chen Jie,他向她打招呼,应该说:_。A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good-bye.( )2. 如果你刚认识了陈洁,你应该怎么向她问好呢?_A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon.( )3. 假如你是Miss White,你见到好久没见面的朋友,应该如何向你的朋友问好呢?_A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you. C. How are you?( )4. 如果你想让你的同学把他的蓝色蜡笔给你看,你该如何表达呢?_A. Show me your red crayon. B. Show me your blue crayon.C. Show me your yellow crayon.( )5. 如果你想把好友Lucy介绍给妈妈认识,你会怎样说?_A. Mum, she is Lucy. B. Mum, this is Lucy. C. Mum, that is Lucy.43 . 读句子,选择正确的图片。【小题1】Stand up, please. ( )AB【小题2】Point to the door. ( )AB【小题3】Point to “hi”. ( )AB【小题4】Point to the blackboard. ( )AB【小题5】Im a bird. ( )AB44 . Thank _ . ( )AherByourCyou45 . I _ a book. ( )AreadBsingCplay46 . Big Ben is very_.( )AtallBwideClong47 . What is this? ( )AThis is a black cat.BIt is a black dog.48 . _ three eyes. ( )AHereBHeresCHerere二、情景交际49 . 你想知道别人的年龄时,应该怎样问:( )AWhatsyourname?BHowareyou?CHowoldareyou?三、任务型阅读根据对话内容判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Tom: Lets go home!Amy: OK! Uh-oh! Where is my ruler?Tom: Is it in the desk?Amy: No, it isnt.Tom: Is it under the desk?Amy: No, it isnt.Tom: Is it on the desk?Amy: Yes. Silly me! Look! Its on the desk. And my eraser is here, too. Thank you!50 . Amy has a ruler. (_)51 . The ruler is under the desk. (_)52 . The ruler is in the desk. (_)53 . The eraser is on the desk. (_)54 . Amy and Tom will(将)go home. (_)四、英译汉给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译。55 . what ( )A谁B什么56 . can ( )A能B不能57 . buy ( )A卖B买58 . grapefruit ( )A椰子B西柚59 . 英译汉: There were Chinese people everywhere._60 . 翻译下列句子:I do exercise every morning._五、匹配题61 . 从B栏中选择与A栏相对应的句子,只填编号。A B(_)1、Whos that girl?a、OK!(_)2、Have some fruits.b、Sure. Here you are.(_)3、Do you like peaches? c、Its on the desk.(_)4、Lets watch TV. d、Shes my sister.(_)5、Can I have a pear, please? e、Thank you.(_)6、Wheres my ruler? f、I have twelve.(_)7、How many crayons do you have? g、Im from China.(_)8、Where are you from? h、Yes, I do.第 9 页 共 9 页


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