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黑龙江省2019-2020年度英语四年级下册专项训练:完型填空与阅读理解B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Tim: Wheres my cap? Wheres my cap?Mike: Dont shout, Tim.Tim: I cant find my cap.Mike: Is it behind the door? Close the door, please.Tim: No, its not here.Mike: Open your big English book. Is it in the book?Tim: No, its not here.Mike: Oh, no. Touch(触摸) your head (头).Tim: Oh, Im sorry, Mike. My cap is on my head.1 . Tim cant find his _.( )AcupBcatCcap2 . The cap _behind the door.( )AisBisntCare3 . Is this cap in the book?( )AYes, it is.BNo, it is.CNo, it isnt.4 . “_your head.”Mike said.( )AEatBShoutCTouch5 . Tim found(找到)his cap _at last.(最后)( )Aon his headBin the bookCbehind the door6 . 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is the first day at school. Her teachers are very good. The other (其他的) children are very friendly (友好的). She likes the school very much. After school, she goes home with the other children.The next day, she doesnt go home with the other children. She asks a question to the teacher, Miss Brown. “What did I do at school today?” “Why (为什么) do you ask me the question?” Miss Brown asks her. “Because my mother will ask me the question at home.”【小题1】Marythe first day at school.( )A. doesnt like B. likes【小题2】The other boys and girls in her school are very . ( )A. lovely B. good C. friendly【小题3】Marys teacher is. ( )A. Mrs Brown B. Miss Green C. Miss Brown【小题4】On, she doesnt go home with the other children. ( )A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day【小题5】At home, Marys mother will ask her. ( )A. what she did at schoolB. where she wasC. who is her teacher二、完形填空完型填空。Jim is _ English boy. His new house is in London in _. He is 14 years old and is in _. There are 30 students in his class. Every day, he plays with his classmates after school. He goes home at 5 oclock and does homework. But at weekends, he just likes watching TV or _ football.Jim likes playing _ a river. But there _ a river near his new house. He is not very happy. One day, he asks(问)_ mother, “Is there a _ near here ?” “No, there isnt.” His mother says, “But _ new house has a garden(花园)”“ I dont like _says Jim .7 . AaBanC不填Dthe8 . AAmericanBAmericaCEnglandDEnglish9 . AClass oneBclass oneCclass OneDClass One10 . AplayBplayingCplaysDplayed11 . AonBinCwithDbehind12 . AisntBisCarentDare13 . AherBhisCourDtheir14 . AlakeBriverCparkDschool15 . AyourBmyCourDus16 . AyouBmeCthemDit完形填空。A: _Ihelpyou? B:Yes. Iwantascarf. A:Howabout _blueone?B:I _thecolour. Doyou _aredoneA:Ofcourse. Hereyouare. _doyoulikethisone?B:Itsverypretty. Howmuchisit?A: _fortyyuan. B:OK. Illtakeit. 17 . ACanBDoCAre18 . AthisBtheseCthose19 . AlikeBnotlikeCdontlike20 . AhasBhaveCtohave21 . AWhereBHowCWhat22 . AItBTheyreCIts完形填空。On Sundays we often go to the _near our school. There are many _in ittigers, elephants, pandas and monkeys. The _are very big. They all have _noses. Their noses can _ them eat and drink. Tigers are very _. They often run about. They dont like to _ in the zoo. Many people like _. They are animals of China. But I like monkeys best. We like _ to the zoo. We can _ more (更多) about animals there.23 . AparkBschoolCzooDthe shop24 . ApeopleBchildrenCanimalsDthings25 . AelephantsBtigersCpandasDmonkeys26 . AlongBshortCfreeDsmall27 . AgiveBhelpCmakeDget28 . AstrongBhungryChappyDcareful(小心)29 . AeatBplayCwalkDlive30 . AelephantsBpandasCtigersDmonkeys31 . AgoBgoingCare goingDgoes32 . AseeBplayCgetDknow完形填空。Lili, look _the picture. Its _picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks _ chairs. _the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is _the door. Its a map _Beijing. Under the _desk is a ball, but you cant see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is _English girl. She looks _Lucy. But they arent _.33 . AinBatCtoDon34 . AaBanCtheD/35 . AorBbutCandDthere36 . AInBOfCAtDOn37 . AatBinCunderDbehind38 . AofBonCinDfor39 . AteacherBteachersCteachersDof teacher40 . A/BtheCanDa41 . AatBafterClikeDthe same42 . AboysBgirlCtwinsDstudents三、任务型阅读43 . 阅读短文,完成表格。My name is Frank. I am from America. I have four new friends. Jimmy is tall with black hair. He likes music. Mary is short with long hair. She likes science very much. Ann has short hair. She likes painting. Sally has big eyes. She likes sports. I am tall. I like English. We are good friends.姓名外貌特征爱好Frank_Jimmy_Mary_Ann_Sally_阅读短文,判断对()错()。Hello, Im Peter. Let me introduce my poster.Last Sunday was Childrens Day. I went to the park with my friends. We had a picnic under the tree. We ate lots of delicious food. We drank some drinks. Tom sang a song. Kate danced. Meimei and Dongdong played games. I took some pictures and made a poster.44 . Last Saturday was Childrens Day. (_)45 . Peter and his friends went to the zoo. (_)46 . They had a picnic under the tree. (_)47 . Dongdong took some pictures. (_)48 . Peter made a poster. (_)第 7 页 共 7 页

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