青海省2019版英语一年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 练习卷B卷

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青海省2019版英语一年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 练习卷B卷_第1页
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青海省2019版英语一年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 练习卷B卷_第2页
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青海省2019版英语一年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 练习卷B卷_第3页
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青海省2019版英语一年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 This is my head. 练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 根据问句选择答句。【小题1】What was his name? ( )AHes from China.BHis name is Peter.【小题2】When was she born? ( )AShe was born in 1992.BShe lived to 92.【小题3】Where was he born? ( )AHes going to Beijing tomorrow.BHes born in Beijing.【小题4】What happened to him? ( )AHe wrote a book then hes famous.BIt will be rainy these coming days.【小题5】What did he do after school? ( )AHe went to swim after school.BHe went to school every day when he was young.2 . ( )ArainBsnow3 . Where is the key? Its the door. ( )AinBatCof选出不同类的单词。4 . ApictureBphotoCmake5 . AspeakBsentCmade6 . AstartBeightCfinish7 . AAmericanBChinaCCanada8 . AthankBletterCemail9 . 选出每组中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. weather B. rainy C. snowy(_)2. A. math B. English C. have(_)3. A. blue B. today C. yellow(_)4. A. wash B. desk C. chair(_)5. A. on B. under C. am10 . _ about you? ( )AWhenBHowCWhats11 . This is my face.( )AB12 . The cat is only one_ old. ( )AyearsBearsCyear13 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AjuiceBwaterCtrousers二、填空题14 . 把下列单词分类monkey,car, big, ship, panda, fat, tall, bike, bus, they,thin,she,lion, I, tiger,you,dog, cat, it,small1.交通工具:_2.描述特征的词:_3.动物:_4.人称代词:_三、判断题Zoom买了一些学习用品,在袋子里有的学习用品后打“”,在没有的学习用品后打 “”。15 . pencils(_)16 . a bag(_)17 . a pencil box (_)18 . rulers(_)19 . erasers(_)20 . crayons(_)21 . Read and judge(T)or(F):This your nose. (_)22 . 判断图片与所给单词是(T)否(F)相符:cake(_)23 . Look and write (T) or (F):youryou I(_)24 . Read and judge(T)or(F):And this is my mouth. (_)25 . 判断单词是(T)否(F)同类:my yourI (_)26 . Read and tick (T) or cross (F): We get there by car. (_)27 . Read and judge(T)or(F):This is I head. (_)根据生活经验, 判断句子对(T)错(F)28 . There are twelve months(月份)in a year. (_)29 . Summer vacation is in January and February. (_)30 . Fathers Day is in May. (_)31 . There are 28 or 29 days in February. (_)32 . Teachers Day is in October. (_)四、连词成句33 . 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号:pupil, a, clever, she, is(.)_34 . 连词成句,注意字母的大小写和标点符号。1. good Mike at is sports (.)_2. you do go on a picnic on the weekend often (?)_3. the picture mine yellow is (.)_4. their open are eyes June 26th on (.)_5. I play with it now can (?)_35 . 连词成句【小题1】Is, Lanlans , small, bag_【小题2】Whats, colour, favourite, your_【小题3】Elephant, the , fat, is_【小题4】it, a, lion, is, ?,_【小题5】they, dogs, they, are, are, what, ?, ?_【小题6】gets, six, oclock, up, she, at_第 6 页 共 6 页

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