银川市2019版英语六年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷B卷

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银川市2019版英语六年级下册Module 4 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Dont _ and _ in class, Sam( )Arun; readBdrinks; sleepCeat; drink2 . Whats wrong with_ ?AheBhimChis3 . This is Zhang Peng. _ is a student. ( )AHeBSheCI4 . What will it be like _ 20 years? ( )AinBafterCof5 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。【小题1】_ your parents _ (love) sports?【小题2】_ your brother_ (like) oranges?【小题3】My father_ (go) to bed at ten oclock every day.【小题4】My parents_ (like) travelling.【小题5】Tingting_ (not like) meat.6 . I want _ a new book. ( )AbuyBto buyCbuying选出每组中不同类的单词。7 . AjumpBrunCfast8 . AJanuaryBweekendCDecember9 . AsingBtakingChaving10 . AoftenBusuallyCsummer11 . AwhoBwhichCwear12 . -Isheashortboy?( )-_.ANo,heisashortboy?BYes,heisashortboy.13 . Wheres my lunch box? ( )A我的盒子在哪里?B我的午餐盒在哪里?14 . 选出与所给词同类的单词:they( )AdoByou15 . We shouldnt _ late for school.Ato beBareCbe二、填空题根据语义或图片提示写出正确的单词。16 . The s _ is u_. 17 . My uncle is u_ the umbrella. 18 . The tiger r_ very fast.19 . Do you like the clown (小丑)? Yes. Its f_.词汇运用。20 . We can_more trees.21 . Li Ming is s_ than Tom. 22 . W_ is your new PE teacher?23 . I like _(滑稽的)people.24 . Jack and Pingping are in the same c_.25 . 短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整,每格一词)。( nice, happy, birds, swim, eat, trees, picnic, like, flowers, hot )Im Sandy. I_ spring best. The weather is _ . We can see many_ everywhere. The _can freely fly(自由自在地飞) in the sky. I usually have a _ in spring. Summer is _ .I can_ ice cream. I can _ in the river. I can sit under the_ .Im so(如此地)_ .三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。Today is October 1st. Its Linglings birthday. Its a sunny day. So Linglings family is going to have a picnic in the park. Her mother bought her a birthday cake, some hamburgers, some colas and many fruits. Her father bought new bag for her. They will sing, dance and eat in the park. They will have a funny time.26 . When is Linglings birthday?_27 . What is her family going to do?_28 . What did Linglings father buy for her?_29 . Did her mother buy some hot dogs?_30 . Will they have a funny time?_四、句型转换31 . Lily will help her mother tomorrow.(就画线部分提问)_ Lily do tomorrow?句型转换。32 . Lingling dropped her ice cream.(改为一般疑问句)_ Lingling _ her ice cream?33 . He has beautiful eyes and little head.(对画线部分提问)_34 . Bobs team played a game.(改为一般疑问句)_35 . Im tall.(改为否定句,但意思不变)I _.36 . There is a cake.(改为复数句)There _ two _.37 . My brother played the piano in the concert.(对画线部分提问)_ did your brother _ in the concert?38 . I went there by train.(就画线部分提问)_ did you go there?五、选内容补全对话39 . 补全对话。AHappy birthday! BI will help you.CSorry, mum. I cant. DWho can help me?E. Shes buying things for my birthday party.Sam: Wheres your mum?Jack: Shes at the supermarket. (1)_Sam: Can I come to your birthday party?Jack: Of course, you can.Mum: I cant carry the bags. (2)_Jack: (3)_ Im making a birthday card.Sam: (4)_Mum: Thank you, Sam. Oh no, all the balloons are flying away. Sam: But look at the sky. It says “(5)_”六、连词成句连词成句。40 . was, your, weekend, how, (?)_41 . do, anything, brother, else, your, did, (?)_42 . cleaned, room, my, I, washed, my, and, clothes, (.)_43 . are, weekend, you, next, to, what, going, do, (?)_44 . call, who, to, going, Mike, is, (?)_连词成句。45 . all I carry cant them_46 . falling stairs the are down apples the_47 . ducks eating picnic the our are_48 . is/ supermarket /at /she/ the/._49 . am /a/ making /I/ you/ card/ birthday/for._50 . buying shes your for birthday things_51 . 请你用所给的单词组成正确的句子。1. very, John, active, is (.)_2. always, poor, He, people, helped (.)_3. has, friends, She, many (.)_4. cant, his, Tom, glasses, find (.)_5. is, at, He, good, science (.)_6. is, time, It, dinner, for (.)_52 . 连词成句。1. the, trees, help, clean, keep, air (.)_2. comes, from, wood, trees (.)_3. should, we, reuse, water (.)_4. there, on, isnt, Earth, much, oil (.)_5. use, too, dont, plastic, much (!)_6. we, reuse, how, can, paper (?)_连词成句。53 . go, the, lets, to, zoo (.)_54 . pig, is, the, fat (.)_55 . short, the, ruler, is (.)_56 . that, who, is, woman (?)_57 . many, how, eggs (?)_58 . 将下列单词重新排序成一句话:is orange an It bag ._七、书面表达59 . 书面表达。假设你有三天假期,用至少35个单词叙述你的假期计划。要求:表意正确,语句通顺。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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