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银川市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(七)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出每组单词中不同类的一项。1 . AdearBbesideCbetween2 . AsawBwentCtake3 . ApaintBprintingCstay4 . AfiftyBiceCbicycle5 . AfallBworeCinvent6 . -_youhave? ( )-Ihave6AHowpensmanydoBHowmanypensdo7 . ( )How many_ are there in the street?AbusBbussCbuses8 . Most people know Shanghai. It is a _ city in the world. ( )Awell-knownBspecialCsmall9 . 选择【小题1】( )AHe is singing.BHe is reading.CHe is swimming.【小题2】 ( )AThey are playing football.BThey are playing ping-pong.CThey are watching TV.【小题3】 ( )AThey are at the sports centre.BThey are at home.CThey are in the park.【小题4】 ( )AHe is good at riding a horse.BHe is good at swimming.CHe is listening to music.10 . He is _a boat. ( )AplayingBrowingCrow11 . Read and choose. 请根据情景描述选择合适的一项,只填字母标号即可。1. 妈妈想带你出去一起买水果,她说:A. Honey, lets buy some fruit. B. Lets buy some oranges. 2. 做客时,你想吃些葡萄,应礼貌地说:A. Do you have some grapes? B. Can I have some grapes? 3. Mike说他不喜欢吃西瓜,正好你也不喜欢,你应该说:A. Me, too. B. Me, neither. 4. 妈妈帮你找到了玩具,你对妈妈说:A. Thanks, Mum. B. Shes my mother. 5. 你要去野营了,出门前爸爸会对你说:A. Have a good time! B. Good guess! 6.“Open it and see!”的意思是:A. 打开看看! B. 我们去看看!7.“Silly me!”的意思是:A. 好高呀! B.我真傻!8.“Lets go home!”的意思是:A. 我们上学去吧! B. 我们回家吧!9.“Sorry, I dont like grapes.”的意思是:A. 抱歉,我不喜欢葡萄。 B. 快拿走,我不爱吃葡萄。10.“Bye!”是离别时大家常说的话,它的意思是:A. 你好! B. 再见!看一看,根据图片内容,选择正确的答案。12 . ( )ADrink some milk.BHave some bread.13 . ( )AAct like a monkey.BAct like a bird.14 . ( )AIts a dog.BIts a cat.15 . ( )AI see N.BI see M.16 . ( )AShow me your pen.BShow me your bag.17 . -Is it a pencil?-_ANo, its a pen.BYes, its a pencil.二、阅读选择根据短文内容选出正确的选项。My name is Paul. Im thirteen years old. Today is my birthday. I have many gift.(礼物). Theyre on the table. Look, Can you see two big brown toy bears. Theyre from my mother. I like them. Eleven toy ducks are under the bed. Theyre from my father. My brother Tim gives(给)me a toy jeep. And my sister Lily gives me three balls. I love them all.18 . Paul has _ gifts. ( )AsixteenBseventeenCeighteen19 . _ are from Pauls sister. ( )AThreeBFiveCSix20 . There are _ people(人)in Pauls family. ( )AfourBfiveCsix21 . The toy ducks are _.( )Aon the bedBin the bedCunder the bed三、情景交际22 . 你只有一个苹果,可以这样说:( )AI have only one apple.BI see only one apple.四、填空题23 . Yesterday I_(ride / rode) a horse with my father.根据汉语提示填入所缺的词。24 . I havent got any _ (计划).25 . Well send you a _ (明信片).26 . Will you _ (邮寄) a postcard, too?27 . Ill see Big Ben and some _ (博物馆).28 . Have a good _ (假期).五、阅读回答问题根据图表回答下面的问题。MonTueWedThurFriSatSunAmyLinglingSamDamingTom29 . What will Amy do on Tuesday?_30 . What will Lingling do on Wednesday?_31 . What will Sam do on Friday?_32 . What will Daming do on Sunday?_33 . What will Tom do on Monday?_六、汉译英34 . 汉译英。1. 你把图片粘到报纸上好吗?Will you _ on the newspaper?2. 我们可以在公园的西边放风筝。We can fly our kites _ the park.3. 苏州是一座古老的城市。Suzhou is _.4. 他们讲什么语言?_ do they speak?5. 袋鼠吃草和树叶。Kangaroos eat _.七、英汉混合35 . 英汉互译。1. 排队_2. 没问题_3. in the library _4. at five _5. twenty to five _八、选内容补全对话36 . 根据图片提示, 从方框中选择正确的选项完成对话AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CIts a bird.DIts Linglings.E. Yes, its beautiful.(1)Whats this?_(2)Is this a dog?_(3)Whose chair is this?_(4)Is this cat beautiful?_(5)Is this a monkey?_九、看图题根据图片写出对应的词组。37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _根据首字母和图片提示填写单词,补全句子。43 . Can you go to buy some e_?44 . Shes m_ dumplings. 45 . Do you want some j_?46 . The f_ is very beautiful.47 . We want to buy some p_.十、音标题48 . 选出每组中与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。(_)1. egg A. bed B. he(_)2. nose A. not B. phone(_)3. use A. up B. cute(_)4. fridge A. thin B. like(_)5. make A. fan B. cake(_)6. bike A. rice B. fish(_)7. he A. legB. me十一、书面表达49 . 你和你的朋友经常选择哪种出行方式?原因是什么呢?请根据实际情况,写一篇关于出行方式的作文。要求:1)表达流畅,书写工整;2)词数不少于50。第 11 页 共 11 页

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