重庆市2019版英语四年级下册Unit_3 weather 单元测试卷B卷

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重庆市2019版英语四年级下册Unit_3 weather 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题根据提示,选出合适的选项。1 . My favourite food is noodles. ( )AB2 . I like fruit. ( )AB3 . Hot dogs are his favourite. ( )AB4 . I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. ( )AB5 . This is Amys sister. _ name is Ann. ( )AHerBSheCHis6 . This _ my sister, Nancy. ( )AamBareCis7 . What about a hot dog? ( )ANo, please.BIts white.CYes, please.8 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. mapB. stampC. sometimes(_)2. A. dollB. thenC. candy(_)3. A. ageB. collectC. fly(_)4. A. rightB. specialC. meal(_)5. A. FrenchB. shopC. Chinese9 . You dont need _ (worry) about your friend. He is safe at home.10 . 选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不同类的单词(_)1. A. desk B. chair C. open(_)2. A. hospital B. policeman C. factory(_)3. A. young B. tall C. yellowAbig(_)4. A. yacht B. car C. lion(_)5. A. breakfast B. eat C. dinner二、完形填空11 . 按要求写句子1.She had a piece of red paper.(改为一般疑问句)2.She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.(改为否定句)3. Ill go swimming tomorrow.(写出问句)4. She made a piece of paper-cut.(翻译)5. She willplay computer games.(就划线部分提问)三、情景交际12 . 当你想让朋友把它涂成棕色时,你可以这样说:( )AColour it black!BShow me brown!CColour it brown!13 . 早晨起晚了, 找不到袜子, 你会问:_( )AWhere are my socks?BWhere are my shorts?14 . 你想告诉对方这是天气预报,你可以说:_ ( )AThis is the weather.BThis is the weather report.15 . 你想知道对方多大了,你应该问:AHow are you ?BHow old are you ?四、任务型阅读看图,判断对(T)错(F)。16 . Shanghai is sunny. (_)17 . Urumqi is very hot. (_)18 . Xian is warm. (_)19 . Harbin is rainy and it is very cold. (_)20 . Haikou is sunny and it is hot. (_)五、英译汉英译汉。21 . cool and rainy_22 . how about_23 . New York_24 . 25 degrees_六、判断题25 . 判断每小题中单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用“”表示,不同的用“”表示。(_) 1. short forty mouse(_) 2. blue rude pool(_) 3. our sour flour(_) 4. out now cow七、改错26 . 找出下列句子中错误的一项,并改正在横线上。(_)1. -Can you fly? -No, I can._A B C(_)2. Howaboutmy?_A B C (_)3.Whatdoes you like?_A B C(_)4. How old areyour father?_A B C(_)5. I like cake, ice cream ornoodles._A B C八、匹配题27 . 请同学们帮助下面的物品找到正确的名字。(_) 1. Ashoes(_) 2. Bchair (_) 3. Cgreat (_) 4. Dwatermelon(_) 5. Emilk选出相对应的答句。ANo, there is an orange on the table.BIm hungry and thirsty.CGood idea.DYes, he is.EIm sorry.FYes, there are.GYes, it is.H.Its on the chair.28 . Is Ben in the computer room? (_)29 . Dont push me, please. (_)30 . Are there any swings in the playground? (_)31 . Are there apples on the table? (_)32 . Wheres the doll? (_)33 . Is this your classroom? (_)34 . Shall we go and have a look? (_)35 . Whats the matter, Mike? (_)九、看图题根据各题的图片,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。36 . A: What _ you do last Saturday? B: I _football with Mike.37 . My family _a park yesterday. 38 . A: _Sarah wash clothes yesterday?B: No, she _. She_a book.39 . A: Did you _ swimming yesterday afternoon?B: Yes, I _. I went swimming yesterday.40 . I _ my grandparents last weekend. We had a good time.41 . I am going to _ the flowers after school. 42 . I went to Harbin and went _there last winter. 43 . A: _ did they _ to Beijing last week? B: They_plane. 44 . A: What did you do on Friday evening? B: I _ good _ on Friday evening.45 . A: What did you see yesterday? B: I _ many_ in the zoo yesterday.第 8 页 共 8 页

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