重庆市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.练习卷B卷

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重庆市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.练习卷B卷_第1页
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重庆市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.练习卷B卷_第2页
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重庆市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.练习卷B卷_第3页
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重庆市2019-2020年度英语四年级下册Module 9 Unit 2 Kangaroos live in Australia.练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is Linda? ( )Shes 41 kg.AHow oldBHow heavyCHow tall2 . Walk along this road. You can see the school on the road. ( )Alook at the schoolBfind the schoolCmiss the school3 . Im fine._AIm Sam.BAnd you?CGoodbye.4 . Whatsname ? ( )His name is Zhang Peng.AhesBhisCHer5 . Where _? ( ) In Shanghai.Awere you bornBdo you bornCdid you born6 . 选择不同类的单词:( )AfishBeatCdrink7 . -What do you like, Peter? ( )-_AIm hungry.BYes, of course.CI like milk.8 . The little monkey is lazy. It _ build a house tomorrow. ( )Ais going toBdoesnt wantCwont9 . Where _ the children now? ( )AdoBdoesCare10 . ( ) (4) - _ are the jeans? -They are on the bed.AWhereBWhatCHow11 . How many _do you have this term(学期)? We have five. ( )AsubjectBa subjectCsubjectsDan subject12 . _ pencils? ( )Four.AHow oldBWhatCHow many13 . Sam _goes to bed early at night, so he never feels _ in class. ( )Anever, sleepBnever, sleepyCalways, sleepy14 . -Wheres the pencil?( )-AIts a pencil.BIn the bag.CNo, it isnt.二、填空题选词填空。how many, how much, how big, how tall, how long15 . -_ is Lihua?-She is 160cm tall.16 . -_ is the meat?-Its sixty yuan.17 . -_ is the Changjiang River?-Its about 6,700 meters long.18 . -_ oranges do you want?-Five.19 . -_is this city?-Its too big. It has got eighteen million people.20 . 根据提示填入适当的词,并选择适当的形式。A: Why do you like _(澳洲)?B: _(因为)there are many animals.A: Can you give me some examples?B: There are _ (考拉)and _ (袋鼠). They are very _(可爱的).三、单词拼写21 . 看图,写出正确的单词:_词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。)22 . We have only one e _.23 . What can you hear?I can hear a s_.看图,根据所给首字母补全单词。24 . p_25 . t_26 . c_27 . a_28 . p_四、汉译英29 . 你说什么语言? What _ do you _?30 . 袋鼠很可爱。_ are very _.31 . 鱼生活在水里。 Fish _ in the _.五、判断题32 . 小小审判官。(判断下列句子与图片是()否()一致) ( ) (1) There are two white horses.( ) (2) There is a cat under the tree.( ) (3) There are three monkeys.( ) (4) There is a table over there.( ) (5) There are some birds.看图,判断句子正误,在括号里写“T”或“F”。33 . Im Mike. Im from Canada. (_)34 . Shes Miss white. Shes from the USA(_)35 . Hes a student. Hes from China. (_)36 . This is Amy. Shes from the UK. (_)37 . Its from Australia. (_)根据句子判断图片正 (T) 误 (F)。38 . Its very cold.(_)39 . Its warm inside. Take off your shoes.(_)40 . Oh, its cool.(_)41 . Its hot outside. I can swim in the water.(_)判断下面图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符42 . Lets clean the bathroom!(_)43 . Is he in the bedroom?(_)44 . Go to the study. Read a book.(_)45 . Go to the living room. Watch TV.(_)46 . This is my kitchen.(_)六、句型转换47 . I can see some fish in the water. (对画线部分提问)_ can _ see in the water?48 . Does she live in London now? (做否定回答)_ , she _ .49 . 按要求改写句子。1. The Spring Festival is on February l3 this year. (就画线部分提问)_2. I need some paper and a pen.(就画线部分提问)_3. I like the black trousers.(变成一般疑问句)_4. My favourite holiday is New Years Day. (就画线部分提问)_5. We need these books for the trip.(变为单数句)_七、选内容补全对话50 . Read and choose.AThats too bad.BDrink some hot water.CIve got a cold.DWell, I dont feel well.A: Hi, Lisa. How are you?B: _A: Why? Whats the matter?B: _ Because it was so cold yesterday.A: _ You should go to the hospital.B: But I only want to lie on bed and have a good rest.A: _B: OK. I will.八、改错51 . Read and choose the wrong words:I like catbecause they are cute. (_)A B C找出句子中的错误并改正。52 . I lovebeefnoodle. (_)_A B C53 . What would you likefor eat? (_)_A B C54 . -Whatwould you like to drink? -Id like a sandwich. (_)_A B C55 . I love ice cream.They aresweet. (_)_A B C56 . My favourite foodare chicken. (_)_A B C57 . 改错。(_) 1. But he (A)never (B)do (C)it. _(_) 2. Im (A) going(B)in (C)Beijing._(_) 3. (A)How (B)is the weather (C)like today?_(_) 4. (A)Have (B)nice (C)holiday._(_) 5.It (A) will (B)be(C)sun. _58 . 找出错误并改正(_) 1.(A)I(B)project is(C)about(D)England. _(_) 2.(A)People (B)speaks (C)English in (D)America. _(_) 3.(A)New York is (B)in (C)the (D)west. _(_) 4.(A)Qingdao (B)is (C)nice (D)city. _(_) 5.(A)I (B)know (C)many (D)country. _(_) 6.(A)Shanghai and Dalian (B)are (C)beautiful (D)citys. _(_) 7.My (A)cousin (B)lives (C)in (D)there. _(_) 8.(A)What is Shanghai? (B)Its (C)in the(D)east. _九、仿写对话59 . Read and write。Eg:(Mary, go to the zoo, yesterday, see, animal)- Why did Mary go to the Zoo yesterday?- Because she wanted to see animals.1. (Mr Green, go to the supermarket, buy, food, yesterday)- _- Because he wanted to buy food.2. (you, go to Mexico, live there)- Why are you going to Mexico?- _3.(he, like cats, cute)- _- Because they are cute.4.(they, go to swim, hot)- Why are they going to swim?- _十、连线题60 . 对话连线(1) What did you send to Danny?a. He hurt his arm.(2) What happened to Danny ?b. I went to the zoo(3) What did you do?c. I sent a photo.(4) This photo is for you.d. Yes, he bought it.(5) Did Danny buy the toy panda in Beijing.e. I like it.61 . 读一读,连线。 How are you?AYoure welcome. Are you hungry?BThanks, Kitty. I am very sad.CIm thirsty and tired. Thanks, John.DYes, I am. Please have some water.E. Because(因为) I cant see my bike.第 11 页 共 11 页

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