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重庆市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题读一读,选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。1 . AballBappleClittle2 . AclothesBsockCshop3 . AuncleBworldCtable4 . AhatBpackCart5 . AshirtBnurseChorse6 . We need food _ our picnic. ( )AofBforCon7 . _birthday! ( )AHappyBhappyCHow8 . I can get out of here from the _ .AEntranceBExitCticket office9 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AhimBourCthem10 . ( ) What will you do_ summer holiday? A theAthis11 . He is . ( )Aa cleverBclever12 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词。( )1. A. fluteB. drum C. supper( )2. A. music B. guitar C. use( )3. A. piano B. often C. program( )4. A. buy B. beach C. climb( )5. A. like B. violin C. picnic13 . 选出划线部分的读音不同的选项:( )AgetBletterCwake14 . My mother _ yesterday morning. ( )Awoke up meBwake me upCwoke me up15 . _ is eleven.AsheBHerCShe16 . 选择合适的一项补全单词。( ) 1. tr _ in ( ) 2. h_ _se( ) 3. stati_ _( ) 4. hi _ _( ) 5. n _ _ r17 . 选出划线部分与其它单词发音不同的单词。( )AmapBcabbageCsafeDhave18 . -What do you do on the weekend? ( )-_AI often clean the room with my mum.BI get up at six oclock.CI like playing football.19 . _isshegoingtomorrow? ( )AWhenBHowCWhatDWhere二、情景交际20 . 当你想知道这是什么颜色?应该说:_( )AWhat colour is it?BIts green.CHow many books do you have?三、填空题21 . 根据汉语意思选词填空。learn Our homework everything robot1. This _ (机器人) can talk. 2. _ (我们的) house is big and beautiful. 3. One day,robots will do _ (所有事情). 4. I will help these children _ (学习). 5. Daming does his _ (家庭作业) in the evening.22 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Let _ ( we ) go to Canada.2.Where did you _ ( come ) from?3.We _ ( visit ) a zoo last week.4.Where _ ( are ) you last month?5.There are many _ ( leaf ) in the woods.6.Here _ ( come ) a circus.23 . 选择正确的单词补全句子,只写序号。AisBare1. There _ a boy over there.2. There _ four cows.3. There _ seven birds on the chair.4. There _ kite in the bag.5. There _ a monkey in the tree.6. There _ snakes at the zoo.根据图片在横线上填上正确的词组。fly a kitedraw a pictureplay catchwash my faceclean my bedroomdo my homework24 . In the evening, I _. 25 . I _ on Sunday. 26 . On Friday, I _ with my friends. 27 . I _ in the morning. 28 . I _ at home. 29 . I _ on Saturday. 将下列单词或短语分类。A. water the flowers B. play football C. music roomD. under E. near F. teachers office G. read a bookH. next to I. library J. on30 . 场所:_31 . 活动:_32 . 方位:_四、单词拼写33 . 写出下列单词的正确形式:o t u (外出) _五、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Kitty:Good morning, Mary.Mary:Good morning, Kitty. Wheres my ruler?Kitty:What colour is your ruler?Mary:Its blue.Kitty:This blue ruler is on the desk. Is it your ruler?Mary:No, it isnt. Its Sams.Kitty:Look at the ruler under the chair. Is it your ruler?Mary:Yes, it is. Thank you.Kitty:You are welcome.34 . Its in the afternoon now. (_)35 . Marys ruler is blue. (_)36 . The ruler on the desk is Kittys. (_)37 . Marys ruler is under the chair. (_)38 . Sams ruler is blue too. (_)六、句型转换39 . She was an erhu player before. (对画线部分提问)_she_before?40 . 句型转换。1. Youre going home. (转换成一般疑问句)_ going home?2. Wed love to come for a visit. (转换成一般疑问句)_ love to come for a visit?3. May I come in? (作肯定回答)_, please.4. On the second floor. (对划线部分提问)_ do you live on?5. Are you kidding? (转换成陈述句)_ kidding.句型转换。41 . They are ducks.(根据划线提问)_42 . My father is in the office. (根据划线提问)_your father?43 . There is a sheep on the grass.(改为复数句)_ some _ on the grass.44 . We can plant the trees.(改为一般疑问旬)_ you _ the trees?45 . Its my T-shirt.(根据划线提问)_ it?46 . 按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. Theyll stay in Sydney for three weeks.(对划线部分提问)_will they stay in Sydney?2. Mrs Green made a cake last Saturday.(用now改写)Mrs Green _ a cake now.3. There are some flowers in front of the house.(改为否定句)There_ flowers in front of the house.4. I usually finish my homework before dinner.(将I 改成she)She usually_ homework before dinner.5. Mike walks to school from Monday to Friday.(改为同义句)Mike goes to school_from Monday to Friday.按要求完成句子47 . He could run fast and play basketball well.(改为否定句)He _ run fast _ play basketball well.48 . We had a library, too.(改为否定句)We _ a library _.49 . Sarah goes hiking every weekend.(用last weekend改写)Sarah _ hiking last weekend.50 . My brother did his homework last night.(对画线部分提问)_ brother _ last night?七、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项,补全对话AWhy are you so happy?BDont be sad.CHe is too tired.DGreat! I am so excited.ESo do I.51 . Nice to see you!Nice to see you, too. Our classroom is new and big!_52 . Why do you look so upset?Because my new toy is missing._ Lets look for it.53 . Where is Baobao?He is in bed._54 . _Because my dad buys me a pet. Its a baby dog.55 . I like our new books._八、看图题看图,读句子,写单词。56 . He is really_ . 57 . Shes a _student. 58 . Shes_. 59 . Theyre very _at home. 60 . 看图,填空:She got _points.61 . Look and choose. 根据图片及所给句子选择合适的一项。AIts short and fat!BWhere is the pencil-box?CCan I have some bananas?DDo you like pears?EHow many kites do you see?(_)1. (_)2. (_)3. (_)4. (_)5. 根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。62 . On Saturday, I play with my _. 63 . We fly _. 64 . We play catch _ a ball. 65 . We read _. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun. 66 . What do you do on Sunday?I fly a kite and play _ the computer.九、连词成句67 . 连词成句:you, want, do, sweets, some_?68 . 连词成句:do the what people do?_69 . Read and write.读一读,用正确的形式写出句子。1. best, which, do, like, season, you, (?)_2. pretty, colour, the, is, (.)_3. do,why, you, spring, like, (?)_4. snow, is, lots, of, there, (.)_5. green, trees, at, look, the, (.)_70 . 连词成句。1. a/ yellow/ its/ chair. (.) _2. cap/ is/ my/ red (.) _3. to/ the/ point/ panda. (.)_4. is/ a/ it/ desk (.) _71 . 将下列单词排成一句话。1. you, do, horses, have, ?_2. are, those, pigs._3. animals, what, you, do, have, ?_4. you, do, have, monkeys, ?_十、书面表达72 . 写作训练。根据信息卡写一篇人物介绍。NameAgeJobLook and CharacterCanBobtwentyPE teachertall and strongstrict and funnyplay basketball well要求:1. 以“My brother”为题。2. 要准确描述Bob的特征。3. 不允许出现自己的真实姓名。4. 语句正确、通顺,书写工整。5. 不得少于5句话。_第 15 页 共 15 页

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