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郑州市2019-2020学年六年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(3)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Whats Miss. White like?( )-young.AHesBItsC/DShes选出不同类的一项。2 . AshoesBsocksCsixteen3 . Ago to schoolBgo homeCart room4 . AgoatBpearCcow5 . ArabbitBcarrotCgreen beans6 . AsunglassesBcheapCumbrella7 . I was born on _, 2004. ( )AAugust 3rdBApril 1thCMay 3nd8 . Mymomis _coffee. ( )AdrinkBdrinkingCdrinks9 . -_does your mother do? ( )- She is a policewoman.AWhenBWhatCWhere二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Fun life in Yuegong 1(月宫1号)Here you can see many vegetables. For example, potatoes and tomatoes. Are you on a farm? No. You are in Yuegong 1. It is a closed lab(封闭的实验室)at Beihang University in Beijing. Yuegong 1 has three rooms. It looks like a small home. Eight volunteers(志愿者)live in Yuegong 1 together for one year. They have an experiment(实验). Scientists will learn from the experiment. They can find ways to help astronauts stay in space for a long time in the future.How do volunteers live here? One room is the living room. People work and sleep here. Every day, they get up at 6:30 a.m. and go to bed at 11:00 p. m. The other two rooms are greenhouse(温室). People grow food there. They grow more than 30 kinds of food. They also eat worms(虫子). “They are yummy,” one volunteer said.10 . What is Yuegong 1? ( )AIts a farm.BIts a room.CIts a lab.DIts a university.11 . How long do the volunteers have to live in Yuegong 1? ( )A1 year.B3 years.C6 years.D8 years.12 . What do people in Yuegong 1 do? ( )AThey live with astronauts.BThey stay in space.CThey sleep all day.DThey grow food.13 . What do people in Yuegong 1 eat? ( )AThey eat vegetables and snacks.BThey eat vegetables and worms.CThey eat rice and meat.DThey eat tomatoes and snacks.三、单词拼写14 . 根据汉语填空。1.Where _(是)my brown shoes?2.Where is my new _(帽子)?3.Its on your_ (头).4.Its _(在.里面)my schoolbag.5. _(在哪里)is my new coat?15 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (have) a dream last night.2. She_ (go) to a farm yesterday.3.He _ (do)go to school last night.4.Peter came _ (four) .5. _ (do) Ken win the race yesterday?6. Who was_( one) in the race?7. Were going to _(run ) in some races.8.What are you going to(do)?9.Joe(win) the race yesterday.10.She (clean) the house last night.16 . 补全单词:g_v_(给,送)17 . 根据首字母及句意补全单词:Where are the v_?18 . Read and write.读句子,写单词1. I like_2. Lets go to the supermarket to buy some_3. I want to go to the_4. Lets go to the_ to see a film5. We have our shopping_19 . write(过去式)_四、任务型阅读阅读理解, 判断正(T)误(F)It is winter. The weather is cold and dry. The wind blows and blows. It blows on my nose. It blows on my face. I feel very cold. My coat is old and small. I need a new one. And I need a hat, a scarf and a pair of gloves. Sometimes it snows in winter. I like to play with snow. I can make a snowman. I like winter. Do you like winter?20 . Winter is hot. (_)21 . I need a new coat and a new belt(皮带). (_)22 . I have a red hat. (_)23 . I dont like to play with the snowman. (_)24 . I like winter. (_)五、汉译英25 . 翻译。1. 三个红色苹果_2. 五个黄色玻璃球_3. 八个蛋_26 . 根据所给中文,完成对下列句子的翻译1. 今天早上芳芳得做饭,因为她爸妈昨天不在家。This morning Fangfang _because her parents wasnt _yesterday.2. 王兵会打篮球吗?是的,他会。A: Can Wang Bing _?B: Yes, he_.3. I have two lessons_(在上午).根据中文提示,完成句子。27 . 刘涛想把他的玩具汽车展示给我们看。Liu Tao _ his toy cars _ us.28 . 为什么我不能骑自行车去上学?因为你太小了。_ I _ a bike to school? Because you are too _.29 . 我的阿姨住在公园街。My aunt _ Park Street.30 . 王兵的家离学校远。Wang Bings home is _ school.31 . 我的叔叔每年乘火车去许多城市。My uncle goes to many _ every year.根据中文提示将句子补充完整。32 . 天气很晴朗。The_ is _ .33 . 请带些蜂蜜和面包。Please _some_and bread.34 . 刚刚我发现它在小山附近。I_ it _the hill just now.35 . 很久很久以前,那儿有一座山。_, there_ a mountain there.36 . 今天下午,我从我好朋友那得到一张卡片._ afternoon, I_a card _ my good_.37 . 翻译。1.眼睛_ 2.脚趾头_ 3.头_4.鼻子_ 5.嘴巴_ 6.胳膊_7.腿_ 8.脚_六、选内容补全对话38 . Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,)(going, thinner, friend, do, swimming, Sunday, go, shorter, friends, were, went, younger, did)Mike and John are good 【小题1】. Mike is 164cm. He is 4cm 【小题2】 than John, and【小题3】. John is 14.Mike is only 12.Mike is 【小题4】. Usually they 【小题5】 homework together on Sundays. Last 【小题6】, they 【小题7】 hiking and 【小题8】. They 【小题9】 happy. Next weekend, theyre 【小题10】 to the zoo.七、改错39 . 改错。(_)1.Iwantsleep. _A B C(_)2.Peterisplay._A B C(_)3.Iamdanceing. _A B C(_)4.Whatare you do?_A B C(_)5.She is writeing a letter to his mother. _A B C下列佝子中各有一处错误,请选出并改在后面横线上。40 . Heismy sister.(_)_A B C41 . Nice toomeetyou.(_)_A B C42 . Whatis that man? Thats my uncle. (_)_A B C43 . Im onClass Three, Grade Three.(_)_A B C44 . JackisDavid father.(_)_A B C45 . 找出句子的错误之处,并改正:What does your father do in the weekend? _46 . Circle and correct the mistakes. 圈出错误并改正。1. Mr. Li is wrething a letter now. _2. We are in the moon. _47 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Its mineEnglish homework today.(_)_A B八、书面表达48 . 小练笔。写一写你的家人上周日都做了什么。要求:时态正确,书写工整规范,不少于3个句子。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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