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辽宁省2019版六年级下册小升初综合测试英语试卷(五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How is your brother? ( ) Hes _.AfineBfiveCmy friend2 . season do you like? ( )AWhenBWhichCWhat3 . There _ some boys in the classroom. ( )AareBisChas4 . Show me your eraser.( )A把你的橡皮给我看看。B这是你的橡皮。二、完形填空完型填空Sam: Tomorrow is Saturday. What_ ?John: Lets have a picnic.Mike: _!Sam: _can we go?John: The big park.Mike: The beach.Sam: There is a pond in the park. We can feed _ there. Lets go to_.Mike: You always like _ . OK! How do we _there?Sam: By bus._ is one at nine oclock.John: _do we meet?Sam: Eight thirty at the bus stop. And I want to bring some _ to eat.5 . Aday is itBare you doingCdid you doDare we going to do6 . AThanks.BWellCThats a great ideaDOh, dear7 . A. Where B. How C. WhenD Why.8 . AmonkeysBchicksCducksDpandas9 . Athe beachBthe zooCthe parkDthe picnic10 . AfruitsBsportsCanimalsDplaces11 . AreachBwalkCcomeDget12 . AThe busBHeCItDThere13 . AHowBWhenCWhereDWhen and Where14 . Achicken and dumplingsBdesks and nailsCbooks and pensDwater and hamburgers三、情景交际15 . 你想知道和刘涛在一起的男孩是不是他弟弟时,应问:( )AIs he your brother?BIs she your sister?CHes your father.四、填空题选择合适的单词将句子补充完整AhasBhaveCIsDdoEdoes16 . _ your aunt a teacher?17 . I _a red dress. 18 . John _a green blouse.19 . What _your parents do?20 . What _your father do?五、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。Sam is from England. Now he and his family are in China. His family are going to the Great Wall(长城)tomorrow. They are going there by car. They are going to get up at six oclock. They are going to visit the Ming Tombs ,too. They are going to have a good time.21 . Where is Sam from?_22 . Is he going to Hainan tomorrow?_23 . How are they going to the Great Wall?_24 . What time are they going to get up?_25 . Are they going to visit the Ming Tombs too?_六、英汉混合英汉互译。26 . sale _27 . notebook _28 . magazine _29 . glue _30 . story book _31 . model plane _32 . 玩具车_33 . 剪刀_七、句型转换按要求完成句子。34 . Mark comes from Britain(就画线部分提问)_ from?35 . Is there a library in your school? (作否定回答)_, _.36 . There are some storybooks for girls. (改为一般疑问句)_ storybooks for girls?37 . I like my school. I like my teachers. (改写成一个句子)_38 . I like social studies field trips very much(就画线部分提问)_ social studies field trips?八、选内容补全对话从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话A. Whats that on the blackboard?B. So we should protect our Earth.C. Good morning, Sam.D. People waste too much water.E. Whats it about?Lily: 39 . Sam: Good morning, Lily.Lily: 40 . Sam: Its a poster.Lily: 41 . Sam: Its about the Earth. 42 . Lily: Yes. And they drive too many cars.Sam: 43 . 九、看图题44 . 根据图片,补全句子:Chinese people _第 5 页 共 5 页

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