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贵阳市2019年六年级下册期中测试英语试卷(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is it a_ bird?( )Yes, it is.AblackByellow2 . 当你和朋友打招呼时,你应该说:_( )AHello .BGoodbye .3 . ( ) _ am Lucy.AMyBMeCI4 . The shop is _ now and it often _ at 8:30 a. m. ( )Aopened; openBopen; opensCopened; opensDopen; opens5 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。(_)1. fox A.goodB.pig(_)2. chick A.duckB.no(_)3. Miss A.Mr B.morning(_)3. am A.I B.are(_)4. hello A.dog B.hi(_)5. I A.yes B.you6 . I really liked dolls when I was little. I _ a lot of dolls. ( )AcollectBcollectedCwill collect7 . 找出与其他三项不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1. A. were B. wanted C. camp D. ate ( )2. A. ride B. took C. could D. was( )3. A. went B. basket C. cleaned D. had( )4. A. laughed B. licked C. boughtD.beach8 . 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级(7分)9 . Where _your ruler? ( )AamBisCare10 . When _ he _? ( )Very soon. In half an hour I think.Adid; arriveBwill; arriveCdoes; arriveDis; arrive二、阅读选择Five-year-old Tom and his mother both learned a lesson from the book The little Engine That Could. One day,. Toms mother was driving their pickup truck when it hit a huge hole, turned over, and rolled down a big hill. Toms mother was badly hurt. She told her son to run away before the truck blew up.Tom did not run. Instead, he pulled his mother out of the truck and helped her begin crawling(爬行) up the hill to safety. She said that she was too weak to go on, but Tom insisted. Thinking of the little truck, he begged.(哀求) I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.Even in pain, Toms mother smiled as she crawled to the top of the hill11 . The best title is _.( )AFavorite Childrens StoriesBTom and His TrainCSafety on the RoadDTom : Young Hero12 . When the accident happened, Tom was _.( )Athree years oldBfive years oldCfour years oldDsix years old13 . Toms mother was hurt when the truck_.( )Arolled down a hillBcrashed into a treeCSkidded(打滑) on some iceDblew up14 . You can tell that Tom loved _.( )Athe little trainBtrucksCHis motherDadventure15 . The word insisted means _.( )Agave upBsaid very stronglyClistenedDbecame very angry16 . 读短文,选择正确选项。Today is Childrens Day. Its sunny and cool. Look, my mother is cooking. My father is reading a book. My brother is running. My sister is eating ice cream. What am i doing? Im playing music. Were very happy.( )1. Today is _A. July 1 st. B. June 1 st C. May 1 st.( )2. Whats the weather like today?A. Its sunny and cool.B. Its sunny and warm.C. Its rainy and cool.( )3._is running.A. My father B. My sister C. My brother( )4. My father is _ and my mother is _A.singing, reading B.reading a book, cookingC.reading a book, eating ice cream( )5. What is the writer(作者)doing?A. He is eating ice cream.B. He is reading bookC. He is playing music.三、任务型阅读阅读理解。ThingsNameplay basketballwash the clothesdo some kung fusing English songsZhang PengChen JieAmyMikeSarah阅读上表,补全句子。17 . Zhang Peng can _ .But he cant _ .18 . Chen Jie can _ .But _ .19 . Amy _ .But _ .20 . Mike _ .But _ .21 . Sarah _ .But _ .阅读理解Amy and Ann are twins. They have a nice room. There are two beds and desks in it. Amy and Ann like milk and bread, but they dont like tea or rice. You can see some bottles of milk and some bread on the desks. But you cant see any tea or rice. They can play basketball well. But they dont like football. They think its easy to ride a bike, but they think its hard to swim in the river. On Sundays, they go shopping. Amy and Ann are good students. They like their school very much.22 . Amy and Ann are good friends. (_)23 . Amy and Ann dont like tea or rice. (_)24 . Amy and Ann can swim well. (_)25 . Amy and Ann think its easy to ride a bike. (_)26 . On Sundays, Amy and Ann go to school. (_)四、其他照例子,从句子中找出一个含有与例词画线部分相同发音的单词,将其写在括号内。例:(me)sheLook at this photo. Its me.27 . readSue is swimming in the sea.(_)28 . fishPlease sit down.(_)29 . policeTheres a cinema near my home.(_)30 . roomCakes are my favorite food.(_)31 . armGrandma likes taking a walk in the park. (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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