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贵州省2020年四年级上册期末测试英语试卷1B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is there a lake _ the mountain? ( )AbetweenBonCin front of2 . Do you like music, Alice? ( )No, I _.AdontBdoCdoesnt选出与其它三个单词不同类的一项。3 . AeasierBlongCgoodDlight4 . AlookBtakeCbigDbuy5 . AblackBblueCgreenDwheel6 . AhatBbagCcoatDfeet7 . AappleBpearCpeachDrice8 . We dont go to school _ the weekend. ( )AatBinCof9 . - When is _ ? ( )- Its on June 1st.ANew Years DayBChristmas DayCChildrens Day10 . Have you got any _ for us this time? ( )Apieces of messageBpiece of messagesCpieces of messagesDmessages11 . 选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. friend B. sister C. friendly(_) 2. A. active B. see C. smart(_) 3. A. interesting B. exciting C. library(_) 4. A. sad B. music C. happy(_) 5. A. serious B. kite C. kind12 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AappleBorangeCpanda13 . We must pay attention_ the traffic lights. ( )AatBinCto14 . Where are we_? ( )AdoingBgoingCtogo找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。15 . AuseBfishCbeef16 . AglueBbreakfastClunch17 . AlongBfoodCshort18 . AraincoatBpetCumbrella19 . AEnglishBChineseCCoke20 . . How can I get to the City Library?( )You can go there by the No. 2 bus.AHow do you doBExcuse meCIm sorry找出下列每组单词中不同类的选项。21 . AtravelBtravellerCstay22 . AUSBChinaCLondon23 . AlearnBvisitorClover24 . AfollowBruleCcross25 . AhabitBtidyCsleepy26 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AshoeBfishChat选择正确的答案27 . What do you see? ( )A你看见了什么?B我看到一只鸟。28 . Whats this? ( )A这是什么?B你好吗?29 . I see a butterfly. ( )A我看见一只蝴蝶。B我看见一只小狗。30 . Here is my hair. ( )A这是我的铅笔。B这是我的头发。31 . Hear the bird. ( )A看那只鸟。B听那只鸟。32 . Its windy now. I have to _ the window. ( )AopenBcloseCopen upDclosing33 . 给下列图片选择正确的单词。【小题1】 ( )AmilkBmeat【小题2】 ( )AmonkeyBmilk【小题3】( )ApearBapple【小题4】( )AnoodlesBrice【小题5】( )AbikeBbanana34 . Last month, he wrote me _letter. ( )Aa 1000-wordB1000 wordsCa 1000-wordsD1000 words35 . My birthday is _ May 3rd. ( )AinBonCat二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。The Whites like to go out for a trip on weekends. Last Sunday they went to the Beihai Park. Tom and Mike got up very early in the morning. Tom put on a shirt and shorts, and Mike put on a T-shirt and shorts. They also put on their sunglasses. After they helped their mother do the housework, they put bread, meat, eggs and some drinks in a basket and carried it to the car. Mrs White also took four apples with her. The little dog was running after her. It wanted to go with them, too. They were all very happy.36 . On weekends the Whites like _.( )Ato stay at homeBto watch TVCto go out for a trip37 . Tom and Mike _very early in the morning. ( )Agot upBcame outCslept38 . Tom put on_.( )Aa T-shirt and shortsBa shirt and shortsCa shirt and trousers39 . The Whites took_ with them. ( )Asome apples and orangeBsome food and drinksCsome hamburgers and cakes40 . What was the little dog doing? ( )AIt was sleeping.BIt was playing with Jack.CIt was running after Mrs White.三、填空题41 . 在空格中填入所缺的词或短语。1. I _ TV every day.2. The old lady_about her life many years ago.3. China is _ .4. Mr Li _ English two years ago.5.She couldnt read or _ .42 . Time, Time again, I ask myself.(请写出这节课你的收获)四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。Jim is a American boy. Hes eleven. He likes reading a book. And he often goes swimming after class. He has many friends. He has a little sister. Her name is Marry. She is five years old. She likes singing.43 . Jim is an English boy.(_)44 . Jim likes swimming.(_)45 . Marry is five years old.(_)46 . Marry doesnt like singing.(_)47 . Marry likes reading a book.(_)五、英汉混合48 . 英汉互译1. Linda likes noodles._2. 你喜欢洋葱吗?_3. Pigs like everything._4. 糖果是给好孩子的。_5. ABC song is my favourite song._49 . 英汉互译。1. 在八月_2. start fighting _3. 玩游戏_4. play together _5. 回答我_6. go shopping _7. 我爸爸的生日_8. find the password _9. 在十二月一日_10. the fourth number _写出单词意思或汉语相对应的英文。50 . my _51 . your _52 . pupil _53 . friend _54 . 他的_六、匹配题55 . 给下列句子选择相应的图片ABCD(_)(1)I like Chinese very much.(_)(2)I want to be a scientist. I like Science.(_)(3)Kitty can speak English very well.(_)(4)Mike likes Music. He sings beautifully.选择正确的汉译A.嘴 B.猴子 C.橡皮 D.脖子 E.脚F.胶棒 G.熊 H.老鼠 I.胳膊 J.头56 . monkey(_)57 . eraser(_)58 . mouth(_)59 . foot(_)60 . glue(_)61 . bear(_)62 . mouse(_)63 . neck(_)64 . head(_)65 . arm(_)七、仿写句子看图,仿照例子写句子。例:Its 9:30. Its time for English class.66 . Its 4:30. _67 . Its 3 oclock. _八、连词成句连词成句,注意书写格式。68 . class in active very Im (.)69 . library There my old in no school was (.)70 . did youWho with go (?)71 . weekend do Mike What did last (?)72 . are How you tall (?)73 . got, he, this, at, morning, but, to, eight, school, oclock (.)_74 . 连词成句,注意标点符号。1. two , the , in , it , oclock , is , afternoon (.)_ 2. you , can , what , sing (?)_ 3. boy , swim , can , the (?)_ 4. together , sing , lets , it ( )_九、连线题75 . 连线。1.Is the boy hungry? a. 他准备做些什么?2.What is he going to do? b. 你呢?3.Does the boy feel tired? c.你这周准备做些什么?4.What are you going to do this weekend? d. 男孩很累吗?5.Im going to go horse-riding e. 男孩很饿吗?第 11 页 共 11 页


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