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贵州省2019年五年级下册期末测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Dragon Boat Festival is in _ or _. ( )AJanuary; FebruaryBMay; JuneCSeptember; October2 . _ you Wu Peng? ( )AWhosBAreCWhats3 . His new trousers on the bed last night. ( )AwasBwereCisDare4 . 选择不同类的单词。【小题1】AlibraryBplaygroundCcomputerDwashroom【小题2】AdinnerBcanteenCbreakfastDlunch【小题3】AwhiteBshoesCshirtDsweater【小题4】AmathBmusicCjeansDart【小题5】AfourteenBgrayCeightDtwenty选出与下列图片相符的句子。5 . ( )AThe keys are under the fridge.BThe keys are on the fridge.CThe keys are near the fridge.6 . ( )AThe bed is near the window.BThe bed is near the door.CThe bed is near the sofa.7 . ( )ATheyre in the bedroom.BTheyre in the living room.CTheyre in the study.8 . ( )AThe glasses are on the chair.BThe glasses are under the chair.CThe glasses are near the chair.9 . ( )ARead a book.BHave a snack.CWatch TV.10 . We plan to go on a seven-day to Beijing this summer holiday. ( )AtravellingBtravelCtrip11 . Were going to play football _ half past four. ( )AinBatCon12 . Dont shout in the classroom, Liu Tao! ( )_, Mr. Green.AToo badBIm sorryCThank you13 . 为图片选择正确的英语句子。(_) 1. A. Can you swim? B. Can you read?(_) 2. A.I can sing. B.I can dance.(_) 3.A. I can write a letter. B. I can read a book.(_) 4. A. I can draw. B. I can jump.(_) 5. A. I can see some stars. B. I can see some girls.14 . Though they had cleaned the door, there was still _ water on it. ( )AlittleBa littleCfewDa few二、完形填空完型填空Fifi is _ cute dog. She _ to play every day. One day, there _ a fire in the house. Amy and Sam _ at home. They called “help” , because the fire was big.The fireman _ hear them, but they _ a special dog, its name was Gogo, Gogo _ hear the people. She _ Amy, Sam and Feifei . Then the fireman helped them out , “Oh, Fifi, you should _ from Gogo! Gogo is cleverer than you!” Ms Smart said. Everybody _ at last.15 . AAmyBAmysCAmys16 . AloveBlovedCloves17 . AisBwasCwere18 . AwereBareCwas19 . AcouldBcouldntCcan20 . AhaveBhasChad21 . AcouldBcouldntCcant22 . AfindsBfoundCfind23 . AlearnBlearnedClearning24 . AlaughsBlaughingClaughed三、填空题25 . 用所给单词、图片或汉语提示写出单词完成句子。1. Can you see those _(number) on the front door?2. They think all the four men are great _(hero).3. The _(twelve) month of a year is December.4. At Dragon Boat Festival, there are dragon boat races in some _(place).5. At the Double Ninth Festival, people usually visit their _(parent).6. At Su Hais birthday party, they can _ some _.7. Mothers Day is coming. What presents can you _(买给) your mother?8. Mikes birthday is next Wednesday, _(十一月) 22nd.9. In autumn, people always like to _ (登山).10. Helens birthday is _ the _ of _(四月5日).26 . 根据要求写出所给的单词的适当形式1. cannot(过去时)_ 2. thats(完整形式)_3. write(名词形式)_ 4. many(比较级)_5. different(反义词)_ 6. far(比较级)_7. brother(相对词)_ 8. sun(同音词)_9. it(复数形式宾格)_ 10. cousins(名词所有格)_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,填空。Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. Sandwich was rich and he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didnt even stop to have his meals. He ordered his servants to bring him some meat and bread. He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his right hand while he was playing cards with his left hand. People liked Sandwichs idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food “sandwich” today.27 . Sandwichs hobby is _for money.28 . He even played cards without having his _.29 . A sandwich has meat _ two pieces of bread.30 . He held the food in his _ hand while he was playing cards with his _ hand.31 . The food sandwich is from the name of a(n)_, Sandwich.五、判断题根据图片内容,判断句子是否与图片内容一致,一致的在括号写T,不一致的在括号内写F。32 . He can jump really far. (_)33 . Theyre rowing a dragon boat. (_)34 . Were going by plane. (_)35 . The girl is riding a bike. (_)36 . Turn right. (_)37 . Merry Christmas! (_)38 . Hes taking pictures. (_)39 . -What do you want? - I want some fruits. (_)40 . I like swimming. (_)41 . There is a bird in the tree. (_)六、填内容补全对话42 . 根据图片补全句子。1. A: How do you come to Shanghai?B: I come here _.2. A: Look, its a red light.B: Yes, I should pay attention to the _.3. A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: Im going to visit my _.4. A: _ are you going?B: Im going to the _.5. A: Whats your brothers hobby?B: He likes _.七、选内容补全对话43 . 句子补妆,选一选。A. Where is it?B. How can I get there?C. Thank you very much.D. Is it far from here?E. What are you doing to do there?A: Excuse me, Im new here. I want to go to the post office. 【小题1】B: Its near the bookstore.A: 【小题2】B: Yes, it is.A: 【小题3】B: You can go by the No.302 bus. Get off at the hospital, and then turn left. You can see it. 【小题4】A: Im going to buy a post card, and send it to my cousin. 【小题5】B: Youre welcome.补全对话,选择正确答案的编号在横线上A. Whats the date?B. What are we going to see?C. What day is it today?D. Where are you going?E. How can we go there?F. Great!G. When are we going?Chen Jie: Hi, Amy!44 . ?Amy: Its Wednesday.Chen Jie: Oh, lets go to the zoo this weekend.Amy: Good idea!45 . ?Chen Jie: Lets see monkeys. They are very smart. Amy: OK!46 . ?Chen Jie: We can go by bike.Amy: But I have no bike. Lets go by bus, OK?Chen Jie: OK. 47 . ?Amy: What about eight thirty?Chen Jie: 48 . .八、书面表达49 . Think and write (请介绍一个你喜欢的季节,题目自拟,意思连贯,语句通顺。要求不少于50个单词,不少于三种句型) _第 11 页 共 11 页

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