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贵州省2020年六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(十二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How was your weekend? ( )It _ interesting.AwasBisCwere2 . Its a ball. We can play it with our feet. Its a _.( )AbaseballBfootballCbasketball3 . Isthatapeach?( )AYes,itisnt.BNo,itisnt.看图,选择与图意、句子相符的选项。4 . ( )Atwelve oclockBeleven oclock5 . Here comes a farmer. ( )AB6 . ( )AmouthBphotoCeye7 . I like .( )Amorning exerciseBtable tennis8 . Taste the rice. ( )AB9 . ( )AKate does her homework in her study.BKate makes a card in her study.CKate reads a book in her study.10 . - What does your father do, Jill? -( )AHe is a teacher.BShe is a teacher.CI am a teacher.11 . Guess, whats in my desk? ( )_AA notebook?BVery good!CExcuse me.12 . They go _ at weekends. ( )AshopBshoppingCto shopping13 . Your ruler is 10 _.AmmBcmCm14 . ( )(2)AheBsheCyou15 . An elephant eats _and _. ( )Aleave; grassBleaves; grassCleaves; grasses16 . I dont like _. ( )AskipBskipsCskipingDskipping选择出不同类的单词。17 . AstreetBzooCstraight18 . AleftBgoCturn19 . AhelpBisCright20 . AwhereBwhoChow21 . AcanBgetCfind二、阅读选择读一读Amy: Lets play teacher and student! Mike: OK! Im tall. Im the teacher!Amy: Im clever. Im the teacher.Mike: OK!Amy: Good morning!Mike: Good morning!Amy: Hello, boys and girls!Mike: Hello, teacher.Amy: OK! Youre a good student! Lets change.Mike: Yeah! Im the teacher now!选择正确的答案填在括号里。22 . Who is the teacher at first?( )AAmyBMikeCAmy and Mike23 . Who is taller? ( )AAmyBMikeCTom24 . Which one is right?( )AAmy is a teacherBAmy acts a teacherCMike is a teacher三、情景交际25 . 当你想告诉妈妈“我们有体育馆。”时,可以说:( )AI have a gym.BWe have a gym.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。My name is Mary. Today is hot and sunny. It is June 1. Its my favourite season. Tomorrow is my birthday. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we go swimming. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me.26 . Marys birthday is on Childrens Day (_)27 . Its summer now.(_)28 . Today is July 1.(_)29 . Marys mom can make a birthday cake.(_)30 . Usually, there is a birthday party on Marys birthday.(_)31 . 阅读理解。Good morning. This is the weather report. Its snowy and cold in Harbin. Its windy and cool in Taiyuan. Its cloudy in Nanjing. Its rainy in Suzhou. Its sunny and hot in Haikou. HarbinTaiyuanNanjingSuzhouHaikou五、看图题32 . 读一读,根据图片与句子意思,圈出正确的单词1. This girl is Amy. (Shes/Hes) from the UK.2. Hi, Im panda. Im from (Canada/China). Im (fat/thin).3. Whos this (woman/man)? Hes my father. Hes a teacher.4. Look at the bird. It has a big body. It has (long/short) legs.六、书面表达33 . 书面表达。请以我的新学校“My new school”为题,写一篇短文。描述一下学校的外观,有什么教室等等。要求:语句通顺,不少于50词。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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