西宁市2020版英语五年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷B卷

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西宁市2020版英语五年级下册Module 3 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Do you know how to _ there? ( )Aget toBgetCgetting2 . What did you do yesterday? ( ) I _ good food.AeatBeatedCate3 . There a gym in my old school. ( )AwereBisCwas4 . I the new clothes in the clothes shop just now. ( )Atry onBtriedCtried onDtries on5 . I _ TV last Sunday evening. ( )AsawBwatchedClooked6 . Our teacher are nice _ us. ( )AtoBofCfor7 . Does he go to school by bike?No, _.Ahe doesBhe doesntChe didnt8 . ( ) What _ useful book! And _book is very interesting.Aan;aBa; aCa; theDan; the9 . The machine is helpful. It can wash the dishes _. ( )Avery slowlyBin a short timeCin a long time10 . We _ to have the art lesson in the art museum. ( )Aare going toBwillCare going11 . Su Hai and Su Yang are _. ( )AtwinBtwins sisterCtwin sisters12 . We last weekend. ( )AdanceBdancedCdances13 . Whatdoyou_onSaturdays? ( )AisBdoesCdo14 . My school_ at nine oclock.( )AbeginBstartsCstars15 . Candy always walks to school. She _ goes to school by bus, too. ( )AneverBusuallyCsometimes16 . He likes reading the computer. ( )AtoBfromCon17 . Tom and Jerry _ to the zoo last Sunday. ( )AgoesBwentCgo18 . The Spring Festival is a very important festival _Chinese people. ( )AaboutBatCfor19 . She _ got two books from China. ( )AhaveBhasCis have20 . _ Tom and Jim_ home at 7:00.ABoth; goesBAll; goCboth; go二、填空题21 . 根据句意和括号中的中文或英文提示,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词1. Where do you want to go on Childrens Day? I like animals. I want to go to the z_.2.What can you see?I can see a _.3.We will write lots of e_to each other.4.I would like to _ (cook) a meal for my parents.22 . 按要求写出单词的正确形式。(1)sheep(复数)_(2)strawberries(单数)_(3)small(近义词)_(4)one(序数词)_(5)sun(同音词)_(6)twentieth(基数词)_(7)tall(反义词)_(8)t (同音单词) _(9)cant(完整形式) _(10)They are(缩写形式)_根据首字母或中文提示填空。23 . Miss Li says the _(下一个) sentence.24 . Lily p_ a wallet in the classroom yesterday.25 . Its not easy. Wang Bing is thinking _(努力的).26 . Then the lion t_ into a prince.27 . There was a swing _(在前面) the house.28 . There are many _(故事) in this book.选择正确的单词填空,将序号填在横线上。AwithBtakesCinterestingDasksEtogether29 . I dont like this story. Its not _.30 . Do you like go swimming _ me?31 . Lets play chess_.32 . Peter often _ his mum some questions.33 . Coco _ us to Grandmas home.根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。34 . We can see a lot of traffic l_ in the street.35 . He often _ /pents/ pictures in the park.36 . I have lots of books in my new s_37 . Its 7:00. Its time for d_.38 . Mrs Li is a _ (teach). She _ (teach) us Chinese.39 . He _ (put) them on this shelf yesterday.40 . I have more than 20 _ (stamp).41 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)I _ (be) born in Beijing.(2)How often _ (do) each animal come around? (3)What are the twelve _ (animal)?(4)Tomorrow is January 1st. The New Year _ (come).(5)I go to see the dentist every six _ (month).三、任务型阅读42 . 读短文,完成表格。Im Elsa. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father likes April, because he likes Easter party. My mother likes May. Because we celebrate Mothers Day for her. She is very happy. My sister likes December best. She likes snow. In December, it snows a lot. She can make a snowman. I like July. Because we have summer holiday. Which month do you like best?NameFavorite monthReasonFather1. _Easter partyMotherMay4. _Sister2. _snowElsa3. _5. _43 . 李爷爷已经104岁,一些四年级的学生正在采访他,读一读对话。Ben: Grandpa Li, you are 104 years old but you only look 80.Grandpa Li: Thank you.Annie: Do you get up early every day?Grandpa Li: Yes, I get up at 5:30. Then I go out and do some tai chi.Cindy: Do you have any hobbies?Grandpa Li: I like flowers and plants. Look! There are lots of flowers in my garden. Arent they beautiful!Cindy: Yes, they are. Whats your favourite food, Grandpa Li? Do you like hamburgers?Grandpa Li: I dont like eating meat and I never go to fast food restaurants. I like eating fruit and vegetables.John: Do you often go for walks?Grandpa Li: Of course. I do it three times a day!Judy: So Grandpa Li, whats your secret for staying healthy?Grandpa Li: Let me see. Be happy every day!Students: Thanks a lot, Grandpa Li.John is taking some notes during the interview. Help him finish his notes below.Exercise1.Grandpa Li likes _ _.He also _ _ _ three times a day.Hobbies2.Grandpa Li likes _ and _.Favourite Food3.Grandpa Li likes eating _ and _.He doesnt like eating _ and he never goes to _ _ _.Secret for staying healthy4.He is always _.四、判断题44 . 判断题,正确在括号内写T,错误写F.(_) 1. lights和parts中的“ts”字母组合发音相同。(_) 2. Id like to go and you.(_) 3. I like reading stories also.(_) 4. Its an interesting film.判断下列划线部分发音是否相同,用T或F 表示45 . pig pen(_)46 . shop horse(_)47 . whenwhere(_)48 . same Sam(_)49 . March glass(_)50 . sing thin(_)51 . 判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。(_) 1. bed red(_) 2. day skate(_) 3. father family(_) 4. she desk(_) 5. snack cake(_) 6. cap sandwich(_) 7. meet we(_) 8. make family52 . Read and judge.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打,不同的打。(_) 1. theatrethere (_) 2. carry have (_) 3. cleaner bread(_) 4. computercinema(_) 5. evenseven(_) 6. way wait53 . 小裁判,判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,用 “D”或 “S”表示(“D”代表不同,“S”代表相同)( )hair pair( )justmust( )werewhere( )nearhear( )diaryhave( )knowhow( )manWalkman( )ballroll( )earphonephoto( )washas五、匹配题54 . 选出恰当的词A.HowB.CanC.WhereD.DoE. Lets【小题1】_ is your eraser?【小题2】_ I have some juice?【小题3】_ you like pears?【小题4】_ many kites can you see?【小题5】_ buy some fruit.第 9 页 共 9 页

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