福州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo 单元测试卷B卷

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福州市2020年英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It has a long tail _ a long body. ( )AsoBandCbut选出所给单词正确的汉语意思。2 . dumpling( )A糖果B饺子3 . wish( )A观看B祝愿4 . Chinese( )A中国的B中国5 . year( )A耳朵B年份6 . have( )A有B头发选出每组中不同类的单词。7 . AsheBfriendChe8 . ApupilBstudentCteacher9 . AnewBtodayCold10 . AChinaBfromCUSA11 . AAmyBTomCUK12 . Look at that _. It has a _ nose. ( )Adog; smallBpig; big选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。13 . AMondayBSundayCtoday14 . AtomatoBpotatoCmeat15 . AchildrenBmanCwoman16 . AkidBparkCzoo17 . AupBhillCdown18 . AcakeBbookCnoodles19 . AtrainBjumpCdraw20 . Arun fastBdragon boatCride fast21 . AswimmingBrunningCinteresting22 . Aplay basketballBplay footballCplay chess二、填空题读句子,把下列句子补充完整,把正确的单词写在横线上。23 . Jin Yong, the great writer, died on October 30th, people were all _ to hear that.24 . The autumn trip is coming soon, we all cant _ to have fun together.25 . Ben always helps his parents _ housework when he is free.26 . The city life is _ from the country life.27 . The teacher was very angry _ the pupils didnt do well in class.28 . It was my son and my mums _ visit to Beijing. They were very excited to see Tiananmen and the picture of Mao Zedong.三、排序题29 . 选择合适的单词组成句子。mouse tall small monkey giraffe big short elephant longrabbit例:_is_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Hi, Im Karen. Im from Australia. Look at the picture. Its a zoo. The elephant is so big. It has a long nose and two big ears. The monkey is short. It has a long tail. Its funny. The giraffe is tall. It has small ears. It runs fast.30 . Karen is from Canada. (_)31 . The elephant has two big ears. (_)32 . The monkey is tall. (_)33 . The monkey is funny. (_)34 . The giraffe runs fast. (_)五、判断题35 . 读句子,判断单词划线部分的读音是()否(X)相同。(_) 1. Its rainy outside. I have to wait.(_) 2. This is a special evening for Jenny.(_) 3. My father reads the book on Thursdays.(_) 4. Lets go to the zoo on foot.(_) 5. I can see a very big clock of Big Ben.六、匹配题36 . 选词填空。biscuit bread egg(1)_(2)_(3)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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