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福州市2019版三年级上册期末测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Im going to see a film tomorrow. ( )-_AOK.BGood.CHave a good time.2 . Whos he? ( )_AHes my friend.BShes my friend.3 . _there any books on the desk? ( )AIsBisCAreDare4 . Id like_ banana and _ apple.Aa; anBa; aCan; a5 . He is going _ artist in the future. ( )Ato be aBto be anCan6 . I hope _ have mobile phone, too. ( )A/BforCto7 . Is there a path in the forest? ( )_AYes, there is.BYes, it is.CYes, there are.8 . _? ( )I can draw pictures.AWhat would you likeBWhat can you doCWhat do you do9 . -Whats this? ( )-Its a _anana.AaBbCcDd10 . -Whats the time, please? ( )-_.AIts two oclockBIm nine11 . _ a happy life in China. ( )AThe old man liveBThe old liveCThe old is livingDOld live二、情景交际12 . 下午见面时应该说:( )AGood morning!BGood afternoon!CGoodbye.13 . 下午放学后,同学小明与你分别时,他会说:_ ( )AGoodbye!BGood afternoon!14 . 当在美国发生火灾时,你应该拨打:_( )Aone one nineBnine one one15 . 你和埃米的爸爸第一次见面,你会说:( )ANice to meet you, too.BHow are you?CNice to meet you.16 . 早晨见到老师,应该说:( )AGoodafternoon!BGoodmorning!17 . 当妈妈帮你准备了丰盛的午餐,你会说:( )AVery good .BThanks , mum .CHello ,mum .18 . 当你想问别人正在干什么,会说:( )AI can read.BWhat are you doing?19 . 早上在校门口遇见杨老师,你应该说:( )AGood afternoon.BGood evening.CGood morning, Miss Yang.20 . 你想知道对方今天有几节课,问:_ ( )AHow many books do you have?BHow many lessons do you have today?CHow many students are there in your class?21 . 当你不知道近处的某件物品是什么时,你应问:AHow are you?BWhats this?三、单词拼写22 . _ (看)! Whats that? That is a _(怪物).四、排序题23 . Read and order.(将下列句子重新排序,使其成为一段通顺的对话。)a. Do you want to be a businesswoman, too?b. No. she isnt. Shes in the USAc. Yes, I do.d. Hello, Lucy. Is your mother here today?e. In the USA? What does she do?f. Shes a businesswoman.正确顺序:(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)五、字母题写出字母的大小写24 . c_25 . B_26 . C_六、抄写题27 . 请在四线格上规范书写下列句子(不改变单词顺序)。注意大小写和标点符号。(1)what can you play?(2)I live in bei jing, china.(3)Do you like miss wangs picture? 七、画图题28 . 根据颜色单词提示,将下列字母涂上相应的颜色。1. yellow2. blue3. red4. black5. green第 5 页 共 5 页

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