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海口市2019版五年级下册期中综合测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Who _ your Chinese teacher? ( )AbeBisCare2 . The capital(首都) of Japan is _.( )ASydneyBTokyoCParis3 . 找出下列各组单词中画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。1.A. dad B. grade C. baby D. plane2.A. look B. book C. food D. Good3.A. water B. perhapsC. under D. Different 4.A. these B. this C. thanks D. That5.A. very B. by C. study D. Strawberry4 . I go home _ 5.AonBat5 . _ he _ football last Sunday?( )ADid; playedBDid; playCDid; plays6 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) I. A. was B. are C. where (_) 2. A. reach B. peach C. catch(_) 3. A. Chinese B. Australian C. Sydney (_) 4. A. thirty B.thirsty C. dirty (_) 5. A. never B. clever C. always7 . do you go to school? ( )On foot. AWhenBWhereCHow二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is a beautiful season. There are many green trees and pretty flowers. We can go on a picnic in spring. Summer is very hot, but we can eat ice cream and swim. Autumn is a good season. Its cool. We can eat many apples. Winter is cold. Its snowy. We can play in the snow.8 . How many seasons in a year?( )AFour.BFive.CSix.9 . Spring is a _ season. ( )AbadBFunnyCpretty10 . We can eat ice cream in _. ( )AsummerBspringCautumn11 . Its very _ in summer. ( )AcoldBhotCcool12 . We can _ in winter. ( )Aplay with snowBfly kitesCeat ice cream三、情景交际13 . 你建议别人买这件蓝色的帽子,可以说:( )AWhat about this blue cap?BLook at this blue cap.CWould you like this blue cap?14 . Mike不会溜冰,你想表达你也不会溜冰,你可以说:( )AI can skate, too.BI cant skate, too.CI cant skate, either.15 . 对方指着钢笔问是什么,你回答:_( )AIts a pencil.BIts a pen.16 . 表弟说他该回家了,应该说:( )AIts time for go home.BIts time to home.CIts time to go home.17 . 当你想告诉别人,“我的妹妹很文静。”你要怎么说_ ( )AMy sister is quiet.BMy sister is active.四、填空题选词填空。18 . Try some apples. They _ (is / are) good.19 . Are _ (this / these) bananas?Yes, they are.20 . Are they _ (tomato / tomatoes)?Yes, they are.21 . _ (What / Who) are these?Theyre carrots.五、匹配题翻译匹配。A. 我也不喜欢。B. 对不起,我不喜欢葡萄。C. 宝贝,我们买点水果吧。D. 你喜欢橙子吗?E. 能给我吃一些草莓吗?F. 是的,我喜欢。22 . Honey, lets buy some fruit. (_)23 . Do you like oranges?(_)24 . Yes, I do. (_)25 . Sorry, I dont like grapes. (_)26 . Me, neither. (_)27 . Can I have some strawberries? (_)六、连词成句28 . 连词成句。1.you, to, like, would, one, have_?2.in, love, people, US, the, too, football_.3.had , wonderful , I , a , holiday , summer(.)(连词成句) _4.Alice , with , grandparents ,her , stayed (.)(连词成句) _七、书面表达29 . 写作。以“My favourite season” 为题,用英语描述一下自己最喜欢的季节。要求:语句通顺,不少于5句话。_第 5 页 共 5 页

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