武汉市2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:语法 (五)B卷

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武汉市2020年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:语法 (五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 选择恰当的词语或短语填在横线上使句子完整。have says got.from sandwiches an 1. My mother had _ egg.2.He _ its good.3.Emma had two _.4. What did you _ for lunch?5. Ive _ an English email _ Lingling.选词填空。A. How B. Who C. Where D. Can E. What2 . _ is your ball? Its under the desk.3 . _ is that girl?4 . _ I use you ruler?5 . _ many apples?6 . _ is it?7 . 选词填空。my his her your Its1. the matter with Susan? She lost_bag.2. I lost _cap.3. I cant find my sock. Here is_lost sock.4. Whats the matter with Jack? He lost_ bag.5. Whose doll is this? Its mine._name is Doudou.8 . 填空。1. Hes got a book about _ (中国历史).2. I have got two letters _ (用英语).3. I drew a bird on _ (两张) yellow paper.4. We went to a _ (儿童剧院).根据句意,选择合适的内容填空。9 . Last week we went to the zoo. We _ (see / saw) some cute animals.10 . My mother bought a new bike _ (for / to) me last week.11 . They read loudly and _ (wake / woke) up their father just now.12 . There _ (was / were) some bread and a cup of coffee on the desk just now.13 . Niagara Falls is a beautiful place in _ (the UK / Canada).选择恰当的单词,填空。for on up out in14 . Whats _ dinner?15 . Whos _ the bathroom?16 . Its dark(黑暗的). Turn _ the light.17 . New Years Day is coming. Lets put _ the new picture.18 . Lets begin (开始) our class. Take _ your books.选词填空。从句子上面的方框中选择合适的词汇写在横线上。exercise Earth holiday trees water19 . Planting _ is good for us. It can keep the air clean.20 . The _looks like a ball in space.21 . Everyone needs _.We should save every drop of it.22 . We should do _every day, then we can be strong and healthy.23 . In July and August, we will have a happy summer _.用所给词的适当形式填空。24 . My uncle is good at _(run) and _ (swim).25 . My mother _ (wake) me up this morning.26 . He _ (bring) some dumplings to me just mow.27 . He likes _ (play) football.28 . The next day, two men _ (catch) the lion with a large net.29 . They danced _ (happy) at the party last night.30 . The students are talking _ (excited).31 . My cousin Andy is helping me _ (do) my homework.32 . 用所给词义的适当形式填空:(1) _ is a teacher. (她)(2) _ is a good girl. (她)(3) _ is in the classroom (它)(4) _are very smart today. (你)(5) _ (你们) are students.(6) I cant find _ruler. (我). Where is_? (它)(7) _ am a student. (我) _like English very much. (我们)(8) _is my brother. (他)(9) I like her pencil case. _is nice! (它)(10) _ are playing ping-pong in the park.(他们)33 . 根据句意选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空learn ride practise excited study【小题1】My grandpa is _English.【小题2】I will _Chemistry and Geography in middle school.【小题3】He is _to send emails.【小题4】Im going to _my bike to school.【小题5】Im really _to hear the good news.34 . 选择合适的单词填空。(有一个多余选项)isnt are am was were wasnt werent1. He _ tall then. He was short. 2. I _ an English teacher now. 3. Lily, Linda and Lucy _ short then. They were thin and tall. 4. You _ thin now. 5. This _ my uncle. He is my big brother. 6. Shenzhen _ a small village then.35 . 选词填空。AwantsBWhoCdoesntDdontEisnt1. _ that?Its Sam.2. Is Amy at home?No, she _.3. I _ go to school on Sundays.4. Tom _ play football on Mondays.5. He _ to go fishing on Saturday.36 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The girls _(be) going to play games.2.What will you _(do) tomorrow?3.It will be _(cloud) this Sunday.4.Are you going _(have) a party?5.There are some _(lake).选择填空。37 . She _ ( go / goes ) to work by bus.38 . My sister Ann _ (lives / live) in Beijing.39 . _ ( Do / Does ) you like cooking food?40 . Alice usually _ ( watchs / watches ) TV.41 . I am very _ ( interestred / interesting ) in Australia.选择正确的词填空。42 . Paul_(sit/is sitting) beside Jim now.43 . I see some_(beach /beaches).44 . Lets go_(swim/swimming).45 . Look! They are_(having/have) a good time.46 . There are some old books. Lets throw_(they/them)into the box.二、填内容补全对话根据A部分所学内容填空。Cindy is from 47 . . You can 48 . in her country.Edward is from 49 . . You can 50 . in his country.Tom is from 51 . . You can 52 . in his country.根据首字母提示完成短文。All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the s 53 . thing to t54 . . In different countries people have very different i55 . about drinking tea. In China, people always have t 56 . with their friends. They may drink tea at d 57 . time of the day. They only put tea leaves in their cups. They like the tea w 58 . nothing else in it. Tea is a 59 . important in Japan. It is very popular t60 . . People drink tea every day. But they dont have it in the same way as in China. In the USA, people drink tea at breakfast o 61 . in the afternoon. They usually use tea bags to m 62 . their tea. Making tea with bags is faster and easier than making it with tea leaves in teapots.63 . 根据图片完成对话,用上Is there / Are there句型。Wu Yifan: Look! This is my holiday photo!Sarah: Is it a nature park?Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: _Wu Yifan: _Sarah: Do you like this park?Wu Yifan: Yes. Its pretty.第 7 页 共 7 页

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