成都市2019年英语六年级上册Module 9 Unit 2练习卷B卷

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成都市2019年英语六年级上册Module 9 Unit 2练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出每组词中不同类的一项。1 . AopenBwalkCfur2 . AnoiseBkittenCcat3 . ApinkBcuteCwhite4 . AdiaryBplayCmake5 . AeighthBthirdCthree6 . Are you going _ late, Dad? ( )Ato beBbeCto do7 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AheadBeggChand8 . Would you like_apples? ( )AanyBsomeCan9 . What _ he _? ( )Ais; likeBdo; likesCdoes; like10 . Look _ the nice picture. ( )AInBatCon二、完形填空Read, think and choose.Peter is _ American boy in our class. He is tall and handsome (英俊的). He has _ a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown and curly. He likes music. He likes _ football. He is on our school football team (队). He can speak some Chinese, but he _ write it. We help him with his Chinese. He helps us _ our English. We are good friends.11 . AanBaC/12 . AgetsBgotCget13 . AplaysBplayCplaying14 . AcanBcantCdoesnt15 . AonBwithCin三、填空题选词填空。is, would, does, do, why, how, am, are16 . _ is the weather today in Shanghai?17 . I _ doing my homework in the bedroom.18 . Where _ your father live?19 . My uncle _ on a farm.20 . _ do you look so angry?21 . They _ on the boat now.22 . What _ you like to eat?23 . _ you want to have a look at my new robot?四、句型转换24 . My grandparents want to grow flowers. (对画线部分提问)_ to grow flowers?25 . Its going to be cold in Beijing.(改为一般疑问句)_五、改错26 . Choose and correct the wrong one: Letsgoing to the Great Wall now. (_)_A B C27 . Cihoose and correct the wrong one: Whowant to sing songs? (_)_A B C28 . 改正信每行中的一处错误,信意思不变。Yang Liwei is first astronaut to fly to space in China. We are proud of him. I want to be a astronaut in the future. I can fly a spaceship and go to space in it. I am interested in space. I want to look the Earth from space. I want to walk on the Mars. That will be very excited. Do you want to an astronaut?六、连线题29 . Read and match.1. She often tidies her bookshelf. a.你会讲故事吗?2. Lets go to the library together! b.你经常看电视吗?3. Do you often watch TV? c.他正在玩电脑游戏。4. He is playing the computer games. d.她经常整理她的书架。5. Can you tell stories? e.让我们一起去图书馆吧!第 4 页 共 4 页

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