广西壮族自治区2019版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷B卷

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广西壮族自治区2019版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题找出不同类的单词。1 . AswimmingBclassCdancingDsinging2 . AmusicBPECsubjectDart3 . AdifficultBlikeCeasyDinteresting4 . ATuesdayBweekCSundayDFriday5 . AhamburgersBsandwichesCnoodlesDfood6 . Would you like _?( )AswimBto swimCswimming7 . The moon _ around the earth.AgoesBgoCwent8 . 读句子,选图片。字母代号填在括号内。(_) 1. This is Mr. Brown. Hes a teacher. (_) 2. I am a bird. I am short. (_) 3. Where is your friend May from? Shes from the UK. (_) 4. Look at the dog. It has two big ears. (_) 5. The fat man is Miss Kings brother. (_) 6. Whos that girl? Shes my sister. 9 . at your pen.APointBPointing10 . Its evening. Time for _. Bye-bye. ( )Bye-bye.AlunchBbreakfastCdinner11 . He is a _. He _ us English. ( )Ateaches; teacherBteacher; teachCteacher; teaches选出正确选项。12 . body( )A健美B身体C颈,脖子D我的13 . head ( )A头B成为C高兴的D班主任14 . arm( )A头发B胳膊C手D指针15 . leg( )A勇敢的B腿C手指D刷16 . foot的复数形式( )AlegBlittleCfellDfeet17 . Linlin, whats that _ English?AinBatCforDwith18 . Id like some _. Im thirsty (口渴的). ( )AeggsBbreadCwater19 . Hisfatheris_anewspaper.( )AlookingBseeingCreading20 . 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1. A.firstB.secondC.threeD.third(_)2. A.libraryB.toilet C.floorD.school(_)3. A.computerB.classroomC.musicD.science(_)4. A.speakB.handsC.feet D.eyes21 . The rabbit is _ high. ( )AsleepingBeatingCjumping22 . _ you know Mr Wu? ( )Yes, I _ to him this morning.ADo; talkBDo; talkedCDoes; talked23 . They are old now, but they _old then. ( )AwasBareCwerent二、完形填空完形填空。Yesterday _ Childrens Day. I _ very happy. We _ a big party. Liu Ying _ a beautiful song for us. Li Tao and Wang Qiang _. Tom _ the piano. Miss Liu _ a picture for us and she _ “Happy Childrens Day!” to us. After the party, we _ hiking. Everyone _ very happy yesterday.24 . AisBwasCare25 . AamBwereCwas26 . AhadBhaveChas27 . AsingBsangCsings28 . AdancedBwasCare29 . AplayedBplayCplays30 . AdrawBdrewCdraws31 . AsaysBsaidCsay32 . AgoesBgoCwent33 . AisBwasCwere三、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正误,正确的写“”,错误的写“”Daming: Simon, What are you doing?Simon: Im reading a book about spaceship.Daming: Im interested in it, too. May I have a look at it?Simon: Of course. Look, this is Shenzhou V. It took a man into space for the first time.Daming: I know. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut into space. Simon: Yes, and now he is very famous.Daming: And I want to be an astronaut like him one day.34 . Simon is reading a newspaper. (_)35 . The book is about spaceship. (_)36 . Shenzhou V is the first Chinese spaceship into space. (_)37 . Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut into space. (_)38 . Simon wants to be an astronaut. (_)四、填内容补全对话39 . 根据本课所学课文内容填空。It was daming s birthday yesterday. Simon s mum _ him a present. It was a book about _. Daming _the present very much. Simon was_in the book, too. They saw many _ of spaceships from_ ,Russia and the US. Daming and Simon _ the book, then they_ to make a _ spaceship together. They _the spaceship to Simons mum. She was very happy.五、音标题根据范例找出发音规则,把单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思。40 . teddyFebruary b_d_41 . thisfeather_ese_42 . shirtbirdsk_t_43 . brushfishca_第 6 页 共 6 页

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