山西省2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 10 单元测试卷B卷

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山西省2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 10 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Dad, _ and help me. ( )AcomesBcomingCcome2 . 找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1.A.sometimesB.usuallyC.oftenD.foot(_) 2.A.playB.subwayC.shipD.bus(_) 3.A.fifthB.threeC.fourD.twenty(_) 4.A.near B. farC. tallD. go (_) 5.A.theUSAB.bookstoreC.schoolD.park3 . ( ) Whats the _ ? Its 8:20.AtimeBclass4 . Ive got a .( )AacheBstomach acheCstomachs5 . What _ you _ last weekend? ( )Adid; doBdo; doCdoes; do6 . She must _ quietly in the library. ( )AtalkBtalksCtalking二、情景交际7 . 如果你想表达“每天做一些运动”,可以说: _ ( )ARun every day.BDo some exercise every day.三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。8 . I will _(visit) my grandparents tomorrow.9 . Does Liu Tao_(like) Australia?10 . Are there_(some)_(kangaroo) in the picture?11 . He _ (come) from_. Hes an _ (Australia)12 . I cant wait _(have) the picnic.13 . Let me _(buy) some fruit for the party.14 . Therere many _(country) in the world.15 . Are you going _(play) the piano?16 . Would you like_(go) with _( she) ?17 . They _(talk) about their plans next lesson.四、任务型阅读根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom likes chocolates (巧克力) very much, but his mother doesnt give him. They are bad for his teeth (牙齿), she thinks. But Tom has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves his grandson (孙子) very much and sometimes he buys Tom some chocolates. Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants to make the old man happy.On Sunday evening, it was Toms seventh birthday. He said, please, make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday! His mother said, Dont shout(大声喊叫). I will not make your wish come true (实现 ).I know, said the clever boy with a smile, but my grandfather is in the next room, and he will.18 . Tom doesnt like chocolates. (_)19 . Tom has a very nice grandfather. (_)20 . Mother wants to make the old man happy. (_)21 . On Sunday evening, it was grandfathers birthday. (_)22 . The old man loves Tom very much. (_)五、英汉混合23 . 英汉互译。1.捉迷藏_2.打篮球_3.raincoat_4.theatre_5.帽子_六、匹配题24 . 选择正确的汉语意思。(_)1.Merry Christmas!A你也一样。(_)2. Happy New Year!B给你一份礼物。(_)3. Im in the park.C圣诞节快乐!(_)4.A present for you.D我在公园。(_)5. You too.E新年快乐!七、连线题25 . 看一看,连一连。1. a. Its time for dinner.2. b. Its time for breakfast.3. c. Its time for lunch.4. d. Its time for PE class.第 4 页 共 4 页

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