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山东省2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(七)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AinBonCSam2 . They _ climbing a tree. ( )AamBisCare选择出不同类的单词。3 . AwhatBcowCsheep4 . AfarmerBsheepCpig5 . AcowBpigCoink6 . AcluckBquackCduck7 . AanimalsBfarmCis8 . Heres a nicefor Peter. ( )AdressBskirtCT-shirt9 . In Grimms Fairy Tales, there are about 210 famous fairy tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood, the Frog Prince, Cinderella and _. ( )ASnow WhiteBMonkey kingCMu lan10 . 读一读,选择正确的一项【小题1】me ( )A我们B我【小题2】he ( )A他B她【小题3】pupil ( )A小学生B警察【小题4】nurse ( )A医生B护士【小题5】policeman ( )A黑色B警察【小题6】driver ( )A八B司机【小题7】doctor ( )A我B医生【小题8】grandpa ( )A爷爷B奶奶11 . I like those _. ( )ApantsBdressCcoat12 . I have a sister. _ name is Jane. ( )ASheBHerCHis选出画线部分读音与其余不同的选项。13 . AbirdBgirlCdoctor14 . AskirtBteacherCmother15 . AshopBgoCsmoke16 . AlitterBofficeCsign17 . AmeBwetCsmell18 . 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词(_) 1. A. well B. present C. vegetable D. west(_) 2. A. grass B. bath C. vase D. want(_) 3. A. chips B. nose C. busy D. blouse(_) 4. A. future B. huge C. public D. super(_) 5. A. still B. lift C. drip D. life(_) 6. A. choose B. cook C. soon D. food19 . Welcome backschool.( )AinBtoCon20 . There _ ten spots on the _ ladybirds back. Drive them away. ( )Ais, goodBare, badCis, bad二、任务型阅读Read and write “T” for True or “F” for False.(读对话, 判断正 “T” 误 “F”。)Amy: Li Jun, is there a fast food restaurant in this city? Li Jun: Yes, there is. Amy: Where is it? Li Jun: Its near the cinema. Amy: Lets go there for lunch. Li Jun: Great! Amy: Is it far from here? Li Jun: No, it isnt. Amy: How can we get there? Li Jun: Go straight down (沿着) this street. Turn right at the bookstore. The cinema is in front of it. Amy: OK. Lets go. Im hungry.21 . There isnt a fast food restaurant in this city. (_)22 . They go to the fast food restaurant to have lunch. (_)23 . The fast food restaurant is far from the cinema. (_)24 . The bookstore is behind the cinema. (_)25 . Amy is hungry. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Dear Sam,How are you? Next week, my family will go to Xian for a holiday. It is in the west of China. Well go there by plane. Well arrive at Xianyang airport in the morning. The weather report says it is very hot in Xian now. There is a very tall pagoda (塔) in the city. Ill visit some interesting places. I think the trip will be great.What are you going to do next week? I miss you very much!Love,Daming26 . Next week, Daming will go to Xian for his holiday. (_)27 . Xian is in the east of China. (_)28 . It is very cold in Xian. (_)29 . There is a very tall pagoda in the city. (_)三、连词成句30 . 连词成句。1. without zipper a want I shirt a_2. Ionly dollars 20 have_3. one show me please a cheaper_4. do want you color what ?_5. do you like shirt how this ?_四、书面表达31 . 书面表达。母亲节即将来了,请给你的妈妈写几句温馨的话语吧!可以是感谢,也可以是祝福。_第 6 页 共 6 页

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