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哈尔滨市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Wewereallvery_abouttheparty. ( )AexcitingBexcitedCexcite2 . _is school trip?( )Its in June. AWhenBWhatCWhich3 . (题文)选出单词中画线部分与其他不同的单词( )AriceBletClike4 . We have _ in our school. ( )Aan libraryBa art roomCa music room5 . 从每组单词中找出发音不同于其它两个的单词,将标号填入括号内。(_)1. A. garden B. gate C. orange(_)2. A. page B. give C. age(_)3. A. girl B. goat C. cage(_)4. A. egg B. game C. cabbage(_)5. A. god B. sign C. big6 . 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音与所给音标相同的一项。(_)1./:/ A.worry B.much C.half(_)2./u:/ A.fruitB.couldC.buy(_)3./e/ A.ticketB.cleverC.take(_)4./?/ A.carrotB.showC.juice(_)5./t?/ A.chickenB.trainC.drink7 . 选择与其余两项不同的读音。( )1. A. tea B. teacher C. sweater( )2. A. hear B. pear C. ear( )3. A. my B. baby C. fly( )4. A. now B.snow C. show( )5. A. use B.uncle C.usually( )6. A. here B. there C.near8 . Maomao is very nice. She always _ people. ( )AhelpingBhelpChelps9 . What_yourbrotherdo?( )AisBdoCdoes10 . Dont play _ your MP5 in class.( )AinBatCwith11 . Xiaoming _ his grandma tomorrow. ( )Aare going to visitBis going to visitCis going visit12 . Lets watch the cartoon _ Wednesday evening. ( )AonBinCat13 . My brother is _ taller than me.( )A10 centimetresB10 centimetreC1014 . _ is this ?-Its a goose.AWhereBHowCWhat15 . They_ sweet and yummy. ( )AisBamCare16 . 读一读,选出每组单词中的画线部分的读音不相同一项。(_)1、A. saysB. todayC. Monday(_)2、A. skateB. classC. pass(_)3、A. schoolB. bookC. boots(_)4、A. pearB. wearC. near(_)5、A. cheapB. fishC. sheep二、阅读选择阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Guide: Hello! Welcome to Qingdao, Im your guide(导游). Nice to meet you! Sam: Nice to meet you, too. Can you tell me something about Qingdao?Guide: Sure. Qingdao is in the east of China. Sam: How old is it?Guide: Its about six thousand years old. Here we get to the Zhongshan Road. Sam: I love sea very much. Look! Whats that?Guide: Zhan Qiao(栈桥). It is the symbol(标志)of Qingdao. Its very beautiful.17 . Where is Sam now?( )AIn Oingdao.BIn Oinghai.CIn Qingzhou.18 . How old is Qingdao? ( )AAbout sixty years old.BAbout six hundred years old.CAbout six thousand years old.19 . What is the symbol of Qingdao? ( )AThe sea.BZhan Qiao.CThe Zhongshan Road.20 . 读对话,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Are you helpful at home?Student: Sure!Teacher: Who can cook the meals?Zhang Jie: I can cook the meals.Wang Dong: Me too.Teacher: Who can do the dishes?Liu Yang and Wang Yue: I can do the dishes.Teacher: What can you do, Jin Yue?Jin Yue: I can empty the trash, sweep the floor and water the flowers.Teacher: Great! Youre helpful at home.( ) 1. Zhang Jie can cook the meals.( ) 2. Wang Dong can cook the meals, too.( ) 3. Wang Yue can not do the dishes.( ) 4. Jin Yue can water the flowers.( ) 5. The students are helpful at home.三、完形填空完形填空。We have a big playground in our school. We all like to_games_after school.Its Friday. We have only two classes_the afternoon. When school is_, a lot of students go to the playground. Look! The boys of Grade Two are_a basketball match. Some girls are_and shouting.Football is our favourite sport. Many teachers are also_football. Li Ming, Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One. They play football very_.Its half_five now. Its time _home. The students all leave the playground.21 . AdoBmakeCplayDtake22 . AthereBhereCat thereDat here23 . AonBinCatDwith24 . AbeginningBfinishCallDover25 . AhavingBmakingCplayingDdoing26 . AseeingBlookingCwatchingDmeeting27 . AplayingBplaying theCplayDplay the28 . AgoodBniceCwellDbad29 . ApastBpassCoverDand30 . AtoBto goCgoDgo to四、填空题用词的适当形式填空。31 . Asia has the_(large) population.32 . Africa is the _ (hot) continent in the world.33 . There was a little note. It _ (say), “Thank you.”34 . Santa Claus is_ (finish) his travels around the world.35 . There are all _ (kind) of cakes in the restaurant.36 . Read ,choose and write.选择合适的单词填在四线三格里。hot, hat, tomatoes, farmer, green beanshot, hat, tomatoes, farmer, green beansMy grandfather is a . There are many and in his farm. Today is very . So he wears(戴着) a yellow .五、排序题37 . 重排下列单词,成为一个完整的句子,并抄写在横线上。ours are books these(?)(.)is it book whose (?)Zhang Pengs is it (.)六、句型转换38 . Look out of the window!(改为否定句)_ look out of the window!七、选内容补全对话39 . Read and choose.A. Because I can go swimming.B. Its in autumn.C. Its too cold.D. I can make a snowman.E. I often clean the room, wash clothes.F. Which is your favourite season?A. Because I can go swimming.B. Its in autumn.C. Its too cold.D. I can make a snowman.E. I often clean the room, wash clothes.F. Which is your favourite season?Robin: Hi!May I ask you some questions?Sam: Sure, please.Robin:1. _Sam: I like summer best. 2. _Robin: Do you like winter?Sam: No, I dont. 3. _Robin: When is your birthday?Sam: 4. _Robin: Do you help your parents do housework?Sam: Of course. 5. _ Sometimes I cook dinner.Robin: Thank you.八、连词成句40 . 读一读,给下列单词排成正确的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。1.is it to get up time(.) 2. they potatoes are (.)3.you how many horses can see (?)4. this the is office teachers (?)5. the Whats weather in Qingdao like(?)第 8 页 共 8 页

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