呼和浩特市2020年英语三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. 练习卷B卷

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呼和浩特市2020年英语三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. 练习卷B卷_第1页
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呼和浩特市2020年英语三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. 练习卷B卷_第2页
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呼和浩特市2020年英语三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. 练习卷B卷_第3页
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呼和浩特市2020年英语三年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young. 练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This girl is deaf. She cant _.( )AseeBwalkChear2 . Tom _ long legs. ( )AhaveBhasCis3 . -_your brother cool then?-No, he wasnt.AWasBWereCDo4 . There _ any buses. ( )AisntBwerentCwas5 . Do you want to _ my photos? ( )AseeBsawClook6 . I go to school _ 7:00 _ the morning. ( )Ain; inBon; atCat; in7 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. taller B. shorter C. farmer(_)2. A. saw B. ate C. goes(_)3. A. lives B. tomatoes C. cooks(_)4. A. metre B. kilogram C. than(_)5. A. sing B. watching C. eating选出每组单词中不同类的一项。8 . AsonBdaughterCjuice9 . AcoatBfatherCsweater10 . AwatchBzebraCowl11 . AthreeBhoneyCeight12 . AdeskBchairCgrapes13 . He lives_a farm.AinBatCon二、英译汉14 . 翻译句子: How old were you?_15 . 翻译句子:My hair wasnt long then._16 . You should not laugh at them. ( )A嘲笑B坏笑C微笑三、匹配题17 . 给下列句子选择恰当的答语。AGreat!BIts half past eight.CAt nine oclock.DNo, I go to school by bus.EYes, I do.1. What time does your school start? (_)2. What time is it now? (_)3. Do you do exercise every morning? (_)4. Do you walk to school? (_)5. Lets take my skipping rope. (_)第 3 页 共 3 页

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