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吉林省2019版五年级下册期中综合检测英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The baby is _. ( )Aten month oldBten months oldCten months old2 . That picture _ Beijing is beautiful. ( )AofBwithCfor3 . Sam _ the Christmas tree. ( )AlikeBdoesnt likesCdont likeDlikes4 . _ does it take to go there on foot? ( )Only a few minutes.AHow muchBHow manyCHow longDHow tall5 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. sunny B. windy C. blue(_)2. A. April B. flower C. May6 . I _ good at English. I want to be _ English teacher when I grow up. ( )Abe, aBam, aCam, an根据汉语意思,选出正确的翻译。7 . 礼物 ( )ApresentBthingCnice8 . 春节 ( )ASpring New YearBSummer FestivalCthe Spring Festival9 . 家庭大餐( )Aa big family lunchBa big family dinnerCa big home dinner10 . 圣诞快乐( )AMerry ChristmasBHappy new yearCHappy the Spring Festival11 . 一本给你的书( )Aa book about youBa book of youCa book for you12 . Look, the flat is _ for us to live in. ( )Abig enoughBenough bigCbigger enoughDsmall enough13 . 请选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. tall B. thin C. friend(_)2. A. hand B. he C. she14 . Read and choose.选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(_) l. A. boy B. full C. noise D. oil(_) 2. A. bear B. hereC. there D. dare(_) 3. A. whose B. what C. when D. why(_) 4. A. yellow B. busyC. your D. yes(_) 5. A. blue B. school C. whoseD. put(_) 6. A. nextB. head C. teacher D. bread选出不同类的一项。15 . AfootballBvolleyballCwrongDbasketball16 . AboysBgirlsCteachersDgame17 . AfootBplayCarmDmouth18 . AteacherBfarmerCdoctorDwatch19 . AthemBweCusDhim二、填空题用所给词的正确形式填空。20 . How _ (be) your mother?21 . My brother _ (love) that fat monkey. Its very fuuny.22 . Helen _ (want) to show her new dress to her friends.23 . I can _ (have) dinner now.24 . _ (Bobby) father does not think so.根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。25 . Look, the ducks are _ (玩耍) in the rain.26 . They are playing _ (捉迷藏).27 . They are hiding _ (在树下).三、任务型阅读28 . I have a good family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is 40. He is a Chinese teacher. My mother is 38. She is an English teacher. They work in different schools. My sisters name is Li Fang. She is ten. We are in the same school, but in different grades. We have a nice picture of our family. Its on the wall. Look! Our father and mother are on the chair, and we two stand behind them.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )My sister and I are at work.( )My sister and I are twins.( )My father and mother are in different schools, they are English teachers.( )In the picture, we stand behind the door.四、汉译英汉译英。29 . 把整理得井井有条_30 . 昨夜_31 . 好习惯_32 . 刷牙_33 . 在夜里_五、匹配题34 . 读一读,从B栏中选出A栏的正确答语。( )1. Nice to meet youAHe is my dad.( )2. Where are you from ?BYes, I do.( )3. Who s that man ?CI can see 12.( )4. Do you like oranges ?DNice to meet you ,too.( )5. How many kites can you see ? E、Im from China.选择与句子相符的图片。A. B. C.D. E. 35 . Bill will wear a yellow hat to work. (_)36 . Jane likes reading storybooks. (_)37 . Tom liked candy before. (_)38 . My father usually drives a red car to work. (_)39 . Amy liked to skip rope very much. (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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