南宁市2020版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷B卷

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南宁市2020版英语六年级下册Module 6 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Shenzhou V took a Chinese_ space for the first time.( )AinBintoCfor2 . The weather is in Beijing in April. ( )AhotBcold and snowyCwarm and windy3 . What _ you _ last weekend? ( )Ado; didBdid; doCdo; do4 . Yesterday, Sam and I a bike ride. ( )Awent withBwent andCwent for5 . Thanksgiving Day is on the_ of November. ( )A3rd ThursdayB4th TuesdayC4th ThursdayD3rd Tuesday6 . _ it fun? ( )Yes, it was.AWasBWereCIs7 . Mymomis _coffee. ( )AdrinkBdrinkingCdrinks8 . My sister _ the cake yesterday. ( )AeatBeatsCate9 . This is Su Hai. _ my sister. ( )AHesBShesCThis10 . Thank you for _ me with Chinese. ( )AhelpingBhelpChelped11 . Chen Jie will _noodles _ her mum. ( )Acooks, toBcook, forCcooking, for12 . All of them are afraid the dog.( )AatBofCwith13 . Do you_in China?AliveBspeakCsay二、填空题把句子补充完整,填入合适的单词或词组。14 . Thats good _(锻炼).15 . We are all _(不同) now.16 . I _(骑自行车) with my friends yesterday.17 . Mike is wearing a _(粉色的T恤).18 . There was no _(饭厅) in our school.19 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. A cow has a child. We call it _(cow).2. There are two _(mouse)over there.3. Lets _(be)best friends.4. We know a baby kangaroo is a _(kangaroo).5. The elephant is big , _(be)it?6. Are these _(gosling)?7. The piglet can _(run).8. She _(have)three baby cats.9. Baby pigs are _(call)piglets.10. What are those ? _(they)are books.三、排序题20 . 看图读短文。按图片顺序给话语编号,将序号填在括号里。(6 )Ann arrives at her grandparents house. They are really pleased to see Ann.【小题1】Ann has a big breakfast. She has an egg, a piece of bread, a glass of milk,and a glass of orange juice.【小题2】Ann leaves home. She is going to see her grandpa and grandma. She is going there by bike.【小题3】She puts on her favourite pink dress and she looks really nice on it.【小题4】Its Saturday. There is no school today. Ann gets up at seven thirty.【小题5】After breakfast, she cleans the table and washes all the cups, glasses and dishes.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写 T,错误的写 F 。Mr Smith wants to visit the museum. But he doesnt know the way. Hes on Moon Street. Hes asking Lucy how to get there.S: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum, please?L: Go along this street, turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your right.S: How far(多远)is it from here?L: Its about a kilometer(千米)away.S: Thats a long walk.L: Well, to get there faster, you can take bus No.5.S: Thank you.L: Youre welcome.(S=Mr Smith L=Lucy)21 . Mr. Smith wants to go to the museum. (_)22 . Mr Smith asks Yang Ling for help. (_)23 . Mr Smith wants to go there by taxi. (_)24 . The museum is 2 kilometres away. (_)25 . To get there faster, Mr.Smith can take bus No.5. (_)五、填内容补全对话26 . 回忆歌谣并填空。Its a time of 1. _. Its a time 2. _. 3.“_!”“Gongxi!” we will sayTo 4. _ in this way.5. _ we hear, Songs of joy from 6. _.六、匹配题27 . 图文搭配。(1) Go to the teachers office.A(2) Look! This is our playground.B(3) The library is on the first floor.C(4) -Whats that? -Its a computer. D(5) -Is this the teachers office? -No. It is the computer room.E七、连词成句连词成句。(只写序号)28 . Whats your name_29 . How blue many caps_30 . Im cat a black_31 . yellow Its a bird_32 . Point to green the door_33 . 连词成句:【小题1】Whats , colour , favourite , your , ?【小题2】elephant , The , fat , is , .【小题3】it , a , lion , Is , ? , ?【小题4】they , are , What ? ?【小题5】dogs ,They , are .Read and match.连词成句。34 . warm tomorrow be in will Dali (.)_35 . to you Dalian I go see to (.)_36 . here world is the weather (.)_37 . is and in Beijing cloudy warm it (.)_38 . 连词成句:games, those, are, girls, playing (.)_39 . go, I, there, bike, by. (.)_40 . 连词成句(注意标点符号及大小写):like, fast, I, Chinese, food (.)_八、书面表达41 . 小作文。请你以“My Favourite Subject”为题写一篇作文,介绍你最喜欢的地一门学科。内容包括:说明你喜欢的理由,该学科每周有几节课,在课堂上你最喜欢干什么。并对该学科的老师做一个简单介绍要求:书写认真,字迹清楚。不要出现自己的真实姓名。用5-6句话完成短文。_第 8 页 共 8 页


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